Gregory Laxer
Bill Zimmerman
I saw more clips from the Burns/Novick film last night at a public screening in LA
and participated in a panel discussion that came afterward. I feel increasingly
positive about what they have done and want to share some thoughts with antiwar
Burns and Novick did not make the film that I would have made. There are scenes that
I would have left out and others that I would have included. A few things made
me angry and disappointed. But the film I would have made would never have
gotten onto PBS-TV. Burns' and Novick's film, I believe, goes as far as any film with a
chance of being aired could go. Overall, despite its few flaws, it condemns the
war exactly as we would want to see it condemned.
The film's conclusion, implicit throughout but explicit in many places,
is that the war was a massive strategic blunder motivated by the most venal
political concerns. With video and audio recordings, Johnson and Nixon are
shown ordering Americans into combat fully aware that many would die in a war
they already knew could not be won. Their motivation — fear of not being
re-elected. The domino theory is debunked. The clueless officer corps in Viet
Nam is exposed. The murderous bombing, the use of Agent Orange, the damage to
Laos and Cambodia, the massive civilian casualties, the systematic government
lies and deceptions are all exposed and ridiculed.
The North Vietnamese are sympathetically portrayed, while the government in
the South is seen as corrupt and without principal. A fighter pilot who flew
over 200 missions and later became the Air Force Chief of Staff, 4-star General
Merrill McPeak, describes his respect for the patriotism of the North Vietnamese
fighters and says that in the end we fought on the wrong side of the war.
Combat soldiers describe the waste and futility of what they were ordered to
Throughout the film the antiwar movement is seen as having been right all
along. We are not always portrayed in the most flattering light, although there
is plenty of footage in which we are, but we are shown to be patriots who stood
up to a government that was thoroughly and completely misguided and dishonest in
its pursuit of the war.
So, as I said, this isn't the film we would have made, but this is a film
that will further our overall analysis of the war and provide us with the best
opportunity we have had in decades to provoke a useful public discussion of the
issues involved. We must not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Failing
to embrace the major message of this film, while criticizing its minor flaws,
would be a missed opportunity of tragic proportions because for the first time
in years we will have a chance to raise many of the fundamental questions we
have wanted to raise all along.
So, rather than being seen as attacking the Burns/Novick project because of flaws
that the larger audience will see as trivial, we need to embrace the film in our
public comments and celebrate the fact that it proves us to have been right all
along. Standing on that ground, armed with the claim that we saw the war and
all the surrounding issues with far greater clarity than anyone else, as the film demonstrates, we can always take the time to correct the few flaws
and the missing information.
In short, this film can be a major asset for us if we don't focus on its
flaws and can step back far enough to see that, all things considered, it is the
best mass-audience film we are ever going to get.
Marion Malcolm
Portland's "The Vietnam War" Pre-screening Event
Stefan Ostrach and I attended this event featuring Ken Burns and Lynn Novick on July 24th in Portland. Held in a large concert auditorium, it was sold out. Here are a few observations.
We saw just under an hour of clips from the 18 hours of the series, so it is impossible to judge the whole or to know what was included or ignored. Clearly, it is powerful. And it does include Vietnamese voices and viewpoints. The clips also briefly looked at the anti-war movement. In the portions we saw, we did not see anything about the vets who became the most effective opponents of the war. Maybe they are in the full version.
The title screen, also used on the program, has a human figure above and below the title. Above is a soldier with a gun, helicopter in the sky. Below is a Vietnamese figure, upside down, with baskets suspended from a pole across his shoulder and a conical hat. We weren't sure what the message was supposed to be, but contemplated how different it would have been if the figures were reversed, or if they were on the same level, approaching one another.
The title screen also states: "There is no single truth in war." Burns claimed in his intro remarks that the series was not political and there was no agenda. They tried to "get it right," to be honest and authentic. But we think a political perspective is inevitable and are suspicious of claims that anything is apolitical. And although there may be many "truths" or experiences of the war, it seems to us that the over-arching truth is that the U.S. had no right to be there.
We do not know if the same clips are used at all the pre-screening events. General Merrill McPeak was prominent in the footage we saw. He lives in Portland and was also on the panel with the filmmakers. He's an interesting man. He flew 269 combat missions during the war, and is proud of his service and his skill, which no doubt cost a lot of people their lives. Many of his missions were up and down the Ho Chi Minh trail. He acknowledged that the US was not able to block the movement of materiel on the trail. He spoke admiringly of the Vietnamese who trucked war supplies south and wounded soldiers on the way back, at night without lights – he didn't know at the time that some of the drivers were women, one of whom is interviewed in the film. He also stated in the film and in the discussion afterward that the US supported a corrupt, undemocratic regime and said that, "we were on the wrong side." He said that you can't build a successful military operation on a corrupt foundation, and that the US is currently committing the same mistakes again. And yet he stayed in the military. The moderator asked him about that and his answer was, "I'm a professional."
After the clips, Burns asked Vietnam vets to stand, and everyone applauded them. He then asked people who'd actively opposed the war to stand, and a much larger group stood, and we also were applauded. We wish he'd asked anti-war vets to stand, but that did not happen.
A purpose of the film is supposed to be healing. We aren't crazy about that as a frame, vs. learning the lessons. Either, it seems to us, requires acknowledging that on the part of the US it was an imperialist war, with the Vietnamese as pawns in a cold war struggle for global hegemony.
Note: There is a companion documentary, to be streamed online on September 15 and shown on Oregon Public Broadcasting on October 2
nd. It is called, "The Vietnam War Oregon Remembers." You can learn more about it at We wonder if other parts of the country are also developing documentaries. From a quick look at the website, it appears that most of it is interviews with vets, and that there's also coverage of Vietnamese refugees in Oregon There is some coverage of the anti-war movement, but the photos up on the website are from Portland or from Oregon State in Corvallis. There doesn't seem to be anything about the anti-war movement in the Eugene area, which was militant, diverse, creative, and included anti-war vets.
Christopher C. Jones
"The Viet Nam War drove a stake right into the heart of the country… We have never recovered"
On July 29th, at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, we had the opportunity to view film clips and hear Ken Burns and Lynn Novick discuss their 10 part series on The Vietnam War, airing on PBS starting September 17. The huge auditorium was nearly filled with an enthusiastic crowd of Baby Boomers and a sprinkling of youths.
Sponsored by our local PBS station and corporate sponsors such as Bank of America, about 50 minutes of clips from five or six of the shows was shown, followed by a discussion. The series took over ten years to craft and cost millions of dollars. Cinematically their work is gorgeous, powerful and fast moving. As the preeminent American documentarians they had access to an extraordinary crew, film footage and music of the time (130 pieces including the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and Yo Yo Ma). With the complete cooperation of the Vietnamese government, many Vietnamese, both here and abroad, were interviewed.
Their theme - "There is no single truth in war" - reflects their apolitical approach. They wanted to hear from folks who had first hand experiences, not celebrities, so no famous politicians, veterans or historians are shown except in newsreel. Ken Burns said the war has so polarized America that we are still stuck in binary for and against positions and that the filmmakers' hope was that the war would finally be discussed. He said their goal was to create a vessel in which these different perspectives could co-exist and to let the audience draw their own conclusions. PBS will be sponsoring follow-up community meetings around the country for citizens to voice their reactions and views.
I was interested in comparing our film, The Boys Who Said NO! with theirs. Our approaches are similar in that we focus mostly on regular people and the experiences they had. However, there appear to be some important factual errors and omissions in the Burns/Novick series.
There is no mention of Vietnam's thousands of years of oppression by colonial regimes, most recently the French before the Americans. The film erroneously describes the conflict as a civil war, not as a consequence of U.S. determination to create and prop up a client state in South Vietnam, starting with cancellation of the 1956 nation-wide vote that would have reunified the country - a direct violation of the Geneva Accords. While there is some riveting coverage of anti-war marches, I did not hear the GI Peace Movement, the erosion of morale and authority within the military, shown most dramatically by fragging or the Resistance Movement mentioned once.
The story framed by the interviewees, both Vietnamese and Americans, was that the U.S. lost the war and left and that Americans have a hard time with losing and the Vietnamese with being abandoned. There appears to be no sense that the war ended, not only because the Vietnamese were fighting for their freedom, but also because of the GI Resistance Movement within in the military and without, the American Peace Movement and the Draft Resistance Movement.
Our film does not ignore the latter two important aspects and the Burns/Novick film series will be discussed on our website: as it appears. Clearly, BOYS will make an important contribution to more fully understanding why the war ended and the critical roles that nonviolent direct action, the Peace Movement and the Resistance Movement played.
Ron Young
Commentary on Previewing the PBS Vietnam War Documentary
At a preview of the PBS Vietnam War
documentary, while filmmakers Ken Burns and Lynn Novick presented visuals and voices
of diverse Americans and Vietnamese reflecting complex, different views of the
war, I fear the film’s imbalance of voices and distorted historical framing of
the war will keep us from learning essential lessons to help prevent future
In the preview, we hear the voices of Nixon,
Agnew and Johnson defending the war but not the voices of Senators Morse and
Gruening who voted against the1964 Tonkin Gulf Resolution. This deceitful
resolution effectively authorized the war, just as forty years later the false
claim about Iraq having nuclear weapons provided the rationale for the
disastrous U.S. invasion. The preview, and my guess is the film itself, doesn’t
give us the voice of Pulitzer Prize winning journalist David Halberstam who got
it right in his 1964 book, The Making of a Quaqmire, on why the American
war in Vietnam was unwinnable.
In the documentary’s preview we hear agonized,
brave voices of young American soldiers who fought the war, more than 58,200 of
whom never came home, but not the voices of an estimated million or more who
went AWOL or deserted or voices of soldiers who courageously resisted and
risked imprisonment.
The worst distortion is Burns’ historically
inaccurate statement that at the war’s end, “a country (South Vietnam) disappeared.”
While Vietnamese had different political views then and do today, Vietnam was
and is one country. This was recognized in the 1954 Geneva Accords that ended
French colonial rule, temporarily divided the country into two zones, and
mandated Vietnam-wide elections in 1956, elections which the U.S. imposed Diem
regime refused. In truth, the war’s end marked Vietnam’s independence. The
county was finally free from decades of foreign domination.
The American war in Vietnam didn’t need to
happen. On February 28, 1946 Ho Chi Minh wrote to President Truman informing
him how the French were making preparations for returning French troops to
Hanoi to make Vietnam a colony again. Ho wrote urgently, “I therefore
earnestly appeal to you personally and to the American people. .
.to support our independence. . .in keeping with principles
of the Atlantic and San Francisco charters.”
Truman, blinded by Cold War ideology which pitted the U.S. against many
anti-colonial nationalist movements, never replied. Instead, the U.S. paid 80%
of France’s losing war costs. And then we spent $168 billion ($1 trillion in
2017 dollars) for the American War that robbed resources at home from the War
on Poverty and Great Society programs.
and Novick view their film as helping to create reconciliation over a war that
generated deep divisions among Americans. As South Africans understood in
creating their post-Apartheid commission, you can’t have reconciliation without
truth-telling. The truth is the American War in Vietnam was wrong. It was a
war, like the war in Iraq, that never should have happened.
During the Vietnam War,
as National Youth Secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), Ron
resisted the draft, led an interfaith/interracial mission to Saigon focused on
repression, carried mail to American POW’s in Hanoi, and coordinated national
peace marches on Washington, DC in November 1969 and May 1970.
Camillo Mac Bica
July 20, 2017
The Legacy of the American War in Vietnam
For more than a generation, instead of forging a path to reconciliation, we have allowed the wounds the war inflicted on our nation, our politics and our families to fester. The troubles that trouble us today – alienation, resentment, and cynicism; mistrust of our government and one another; breakdown of civil discourse and civic institutions; conflicts over ethnicity and class; lack of accountability in powerful institutions – so many of these seeds were sown during the Vietnam War.
(from New York Times op ed by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick)
While I believe Burns’ and Novick’s assessment of the state of our nation is accurate, what they seem not to realize is that this tragic legacy of the war in Vietnam can be explained in large measure not by a lack of patriotism or the failure of this nation to accord veterans the nobility and honor they so richly deserve. Rather, “the troubles that trouble us today” are a direct consequence of our reluctance to admit the hard truth of US criminality and the appropriation of memory to portray this nation’s involvement and our soldier’s behavior as honorable and noble. Nguyen observes,
Any side in a conflict needs . . . the ability to see not only the flaws of our enemies and others but our own fundamentally flawed character. Without this mutual recognition, a genuine reconciliation will be difficult to achieve.
Tragically, as has been the case, not only does this mythology prevent reconciliation, it may well be counterproductive to veteran healing by providing a refuge of sorts in which veterans may avoid facing the reality of their experiences – healing requires that we move beyond illusion and mythology. Just as tragically, it has allowed our leaders to ignore the lessons of Vietnam, to again portray militarism and war as palatable, to entice another generation of young people to enlist in the military, and to fight perpetual wars of choice in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.
After much research as a philosopher studying the institution of war and even more soul-searching and introspection as a veteran striving to come to grips with the Vietnam War experience, I have realized that to restore the moral character of this nation and to achieve a measure of normalcy in my life – I hesitate to speak of healing as I am not at all certain that healing is possible – what is required is not more of the mythology of honor, nobility, courage, and heroism, as Burns and Novick suggests. Rather, we must have the courage to admit the truth, however frightening and awful it may be, regarding the immorality and illegality of the war and then to accept national (and perhaps personal) responsibility and culpability for the injury and death of millions of Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian people. We can, as Burns suggests, finally stop fighting over how the war should be remembered and reconcile our differences, but only if we realize that there are not “many truths” and “alternative facts,” with which to make our involvement and our defeat more palatable. This is what history requires and what the documentary should work to clarify.
Despite the reservations I have expressed in this article, my hope is, of course, that, when viewed in its entirety, this documentary will prove more than propaganda and mythology intended to restore patriotism, this nation’s resilience, exceptionalism, and unity of purpose for further militarism and war. Regardless of whether my hope is realized, I will use this documentary in my course on war this fall semester, whether it is to provide insight and a historical basis for understanding the nature of war in general and of the Vietnam War in particular, or to demonstrate the manner in which historians and artists may contribute to the appropriation of memory and the distortion of truth in behalf of furthering the interests of the corrupt, the greedy, and the powerful. My hope is it will be the former.
Excerpt, full article here
Ron Young
Questions re: the Vietnam War Documentary Ad Campaign
So far, all the ads I’ve seen for the Burns/Novick documentary
on the Vietnam War focus in one way or another on those who
went to the war as being real American heroes. As far as ads
I've seen, and I’ve seen at least one a day for weeks, there are
hardly any references in the ads to any persons who opposed
the war as being American heroes. Maybe this pattern will change,
but so far, by not including ads that positively and substantially
represent diverse anti-war heroes, the campaign frames the
documentary and the war in a very distorted way.
What about Senators Morse and Gruening, Senator William
Fulbright. What about Senators Senators Kennedy, Church, Cooper,
McCarthy and Bobby Kennedy. What about the famous, baby doctor,
Dr Benjamin Spock. What about David Halberstam and other journalists
who opposed the war. Halberstam, The Making of a Quagmire (1964).
What about Daniel Ellsberg?
What about Martin Luther King, Jr. and Caesar Chavez? What about
Muhammed Ali? Why have none of these persons been featured in
any of documentary’s ads as American heroes, expressing
their views on why the war was wrong. I assume some of these
are included in the documentary, but why not in the ads.?
Labor union leaders divided over the war. Why not an ad focused
on them, including vignettes of major AFSCME, UAW and other
labor leaders who opposed the war.
Why no ads featuring prominent Christian and Jewish clergy who
opposed the war, including, as examples, Bishop Paul Moore, Rev.
William Sloane Coffin, Jr., Daniel and Phil Berrigan, and Rabbi
Abraham Joshua Heschel.
What about G.I.s who decided the war was wrong and took public
stands against it, risking imprisonment or an estimated million or more
who went AWOL or deserted. What about an estimated 500,000 young
men who evaded or resisted the draft, including several thousand
who served time in jail rather than going to the war. Will we see
ads for the documentary featuring them as American heroes?
What about an ad highlighting how by the late 1960s a majority
of Americans were opposed to the war - perhaps with brief visuals
of different persons - a butcher, a baker and a candlestick-maker –
saying in their own words why they opposed the war.
And, perhaps most disturbing of all, why no ads honoring Americans,
inspired by Vietnamese Buddhist monks, who immolated themselves
In 1965 to protest the war – Alice Herz (82 year-old Detroit grandmother;
Norman Morrison (31 year-old Baltimore Quaker dad); and Roger Laporte
(22 year-old former Roman Catholic seminarian).
If Burns and Novick were serious about how the war represented a big,
critical divide in our country, surely the ads for the documentary would
reflect that painful divide. So far, the ad campaign doesn’t do that..
Burns is a good and important documentarian, but from what
i've seen so far, including his role in the panel with James
Bennett of the NY Times as moderator, in this project, Burns’
aim seems to be to bring us back together by smoothing over
the divide rather then critically entering and examining the divide
and lifting up important truths and lessons to be learned.
Apparently, Burns views the war as a "virus" and the documentary
as a post-virus "vaccination" or healing salve. I fear the effect of the
documentary will be to help us swallow and digest the war, rather than
throw it up in a way that honors and reinforces popular, good sense
opposition to the Iraq war and to other similar military adventures,
including, eerily reminiscent of Vietnam, current dangerous increases
in the numbers of US troops being sent to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Ron Young has served for several years as Consultant to thirty national Jewish, Christian
and Muslim national religious leaders working together for Israeli-Palestinian peace.
During the Vietnam War, as National Youth Secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation,
Ron resisted the draft, led an interfaith/interracial mission focused on repression in Saigon,
carried mail to American POW’s in Hanoi, and coordinated national peace marches on Washington, DC
in November 1969 and May 1970.
Flyer prepared for distribution at a Seattle preview
The American War in Vietnam
Didn’t Need to Happen
58,220 Americans and 3 million Vietnamese
didn’t need to die.
All could be spared suffering from UXOs, Agent Orange,
PTSD and suicides.
In 1944, President Roosevelt sent OSS agents, including Mac Shin from Seattle, to assist Ho Chi Minh’s forces in defeating the Japanese occupation, after which France tried to restore its colonial control.
On February 28, 1946 Ho Chi Minh wrote to President Truman.
On behalf of the Vietnam government and people, Ho informed the President that the French were making preparations for returning French troops to Hanoi to make Vietnam a colony again. Ho wrote, “I therefore earnestly appeal to you personally and to the American people. . .to support our independence. . .in keeping with the principles of the Atlantic and San Francisco charters.”
President Truman, blinded by Cold War ideology which pitted the U.S. against many anti-colonial nationalist movements, never replied. Instead, the U.S. paid 80% of France’s losing war costs. And then we spent $168 billion ($1 trillion in 2017 dollars) on the American War that robbed resources at home from the War on Poverty and Great Society.
SAY IT! The War in Vietnam Was Wrong!
This war (and the war in Iraq)
Never Should Have Happened!
VPCC Newsletter
June 30, 2017
The PBS series on the Vietnam war produced by
Ken Burns and Lynn Novick premiers September 17th to 28th. All eighteen hours
will be shown in daily episodes from Sunday to Thursday, then re-air in ten
weekly installments October 3rd to November 28th. (Online streaming in English,
Spanish and Vietnamese are also available, details
Life and society changing events will be
dramatically and emotionally recalled. Old arguments will be rekindled and new
ones emerge based on retrospective interviews and already disputed academic
This will be a major cultural and political event, perhaps the
last public hurrah of the Vietnam generation. Our children and grandchildren may
be intrigued at how much we were shaped by the events portrayed, as well as gain
perspective on their generations' wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.
We write to learn if you have been
involved in the roll out of the series, and to encourage you to
become as fully engaged as possible.
preview screenings have been held and others are still to come, see regularly
updated list here.
Much of the impact will be spontaneous within
families, between friends and in random encounters. Many PBS stations are also
providing vehicles for community outreach and dialog. Interviews are already
being conducted for later airing, based on personal experiences in Vietnam and
in the local anti-war movement. More interviews will take place, along with
public forums, at the time of the broadcasts. Please reach out now to your station to find out what
they are planning and how you can take part.
most common public narrative will be among and about veterans. Done well, it
will reflect the range of their experience, including organized and covert,
sometimes violent, opposition within the military and after returning home.
Tales of personal courage and loss should not be divorced from recollections of
harm done to innocent civilians and to the forces of the other side. Done
poorly, it will pit a glamorized memory of the warrior against peacenik radicals
who undermined and undervalued their service.
often overlooked in series based discussions, unless former activists insist,
will be the era's intellectual, moral and political struggles to comprehend the
origins and conduct of the war, not to mention the evolution of forms of
opposition and challenges to traditional patriotism. The difficult choices for draft age men and their
advisers, parents and friends, as well as costs in family
relationships and life paths, may not be considered. Sacrifices of resistance,
imprisonment, exile and bad discharges plus the impact of amnesty, could be
forgotten in a station's review and reassessment.
and Novick outlined their goals in a New York Times op ed, available here. Reactions by anti-war viewers so far have been mixed,
and can be read here. The creators have cautioned audiences to withhold
judgement until they see the full series.
some presentations there
was a decided tilt towards military veterans. They were asked to stand to be
recognized. The same respect was not shown to veterans of the anti-war movement.
Simplified divisions misinterpreted from the past were perpetuated instead of
emphasizing interrelated aspects of a generation's
Burns said at a New York screening that the moral assumption of a right and
wrong side of the war that informed his Civil War documentary was not part of
the Vietnam programs. Viewers and discussants were to reach (or reaffirm) their
own conclusions. By
engaging in this conversation, former activists can help the country understand
the nature and consequences of the war and take responsibility for what took
expect that the VPCC network and other veterans of the anti-war movement,
civilian and military, will be active participants in the national opportunity
created by this extraordinary project of Burns and Novick.
Terry Provance
Dear Friends,
VPCC is planning on engaging the public around the PBS
Vietnam documentary by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick.
I watched yesterday Burns interview on Face the Nation which
I thought was a little wishy-washy. But,
I found nothing objectionable about the 30 minute preview on Sunday
evening. And noticed how staff were
impacted by Kent State and most emotional at that moment. That was their reaction to covering it but
that is not the same as what is in the film.
But, once again, Burns and Novick talked frequently about
how the film may heal or may even be a/the purpose of the film and that this
remembering and relooking at Viet Nam comes at a perfect moment, needing so
many years from it to see the war differently and perhaps "move on."
So, I started to think more about "healing" which
actually began first with the thought that this is going to be highly promoted
and millions of people will be watching it.
Just given that I thought how large a space there is created with the
film and how that creates such a big organizing opportunity. So maybe we could do something around healing
and to anticipate the question that many may ask, "What can I do to help
heal the wounds of Viet Nam?"
We could put forth something like this:
1. Agent Orange: people could write Congress to insist that
funds be kept and increased to attend to the medical and physical problems of
Agent Orange. They could also donate
directly to the appropriate organizations.
Help heal Vietnamese people while healing ourselves about Viet Nam.
2. PTSD:
heal the wounds of Vietnam Veterans.
Make sure DoD recognizes this medical problem and provides all insurance
coverage for it. It is almost like the
NFL and CTE. The NFL refused so long to
recognize it and still drags its feet.
You send an athlete into football and they get CTE. You send a soldier into war and s/he gets
PTSD. Demanding funds and appropriate medical
treatment and reconsider all past cases which were denied.
3. Come forth: is there a way we could invite military
soldiers/leaders to make public their actions?
But something about being honest and accountable strengthens
healing. Might the film open up the
possibilities of more honest revelations and admissions, a cleansing of
"hearts and minds"?
4. Affirm the rights to demonstrate, protest,
whistle-blowing: maybe some type of
petition or even expression in Congress.
Asking the media to be more courageous, independent and genuine in war
coverage and more scrutiny about what Pentagon and government say. Media access to foreign interventions.
5. Now it is pretty
much up to US people to deal with the US side/participation but it might be
politically helpful (correct?) if there could be something we could ask
Vietnamese to do at the same time. I
don't think there are any more MIA/POW issues but I could be wrong. But what about a statement, I dare say
apology, to the Buddhist community in Viet Nam? This is probably very unlikely
but I put this out to raise the general category about what would be possible
for us to say about Viet Nam without alienating Vietnamese and being
arrogant/presumptuous. Maybe this is too
Quaker-like if you know what I mean. And
maybe nothing said is better given the probability of misinterpretations.
See what you think.
We could mobilize this on Facebook where there will probably be
discussions and sharings. As well as
other ways. It can also provide some
handles for local people and engagement with PBS locally.
Hope this helps start some discussion. Thanks, Terry
Responses to Terry's letter
Bob Musil
I have not seen the Burns film trailers or previews, so I
will withhold judgment until then. But I fear that healing may too easily slide
into remembrance and then appreciation. The current militarized version of
Memorial Day is a potent warning. I would prefer to think of some version of
Truth and Reconciliation. The United States and public consciousness has yet to
acknowledge that we carried out a neo-colonial war of aggression based on lies,
committed numerous crimes of war, and killed millions.
I don’t really think there can be healing without admitting,
as a nation, our atrocious deeds. Again, as a warning, it is only now that
Americans are beginning, in a small way, to face the realities of the Civil War
and to begin to undo the big lies of the Southern Lost Cause and all the
statuary and battle flags, and states’ rights myths that go with it.
Another warning is how hard it has been to offer an
alternative, truthful recognition of the United States deliberate and needless
atomic bombings of Japan that targeted civilians and workers in Hiroshima to
better increase terror.
There are, of course, “tragic” narratives of all these
events – that war is tragic and sad and should be memorialized. But getting to
the truth is far harder. That is what I think those of us who resisted the war
in Indochina (and Central America, and Afghanistan and Iraq and all the
others), need to go beyond tragedy and sadness and healing.
I write as Operation Rolling Thunder roars through
Washington and POW/MIA flags fly high. I commend Terry and all of you for
keeping after a counter-narrative for Vietnam. But I do think we will need to
push harder and deeper to penetrate and undo the current tragic, and even
sometimes triumphal, narrative of the U.S. role in Vietnam and in our seemingly
endless wars.
Heather Booth
I very much like the idea of your points 1 - 4
Thanks for raising it Terry.
Bill Ramsey
Thanks for your thoughts on how to address the Burn film's
theme of healing. Joyce observed the
South Africa and Canada (indigenous people and European settlers) truth and
reconciliation processes and helped to organize truth and reconciliation
process for the Greensboro 1979 Klan killings between between victims' families
and survivors and KKK members who executed the attack. She might have some thoughts on how to
proceed with a truth and reconciliation process that comes decades after the
original offense and injury. The Guatemalan and Colombian processes could also
offer us some ideas?
I like Bob Musil's idea of a truth and reconciliation
process and have some questions.
How would we make sure it addresses the core issue of
Vietnam as a colonial war unless the Vietnamese play a major role in designing
and participating in the process?
Was the division and hurt that arose between sectors of the
U.S. public deep enough and remembered well enough to merit its own truth and
reconciliation, in the shadow of a more profound examination and
acknowledgement of the nature of the war itself? Are they two different T&R processes
To offer a public response to the Burns film that builds on
the space it creates
in the minds and hearts of US citizens is one thing. To mount a full-fledged truth and
reconciliation process is another. Do we
have the resources to do it?
I am spending the afternoon of this day of remembering
editing a narrative of my participation in the October 21 March on the Pentagon
and will send it to you when it is complete.
Thanks for all your work on the the 50th year events. Bill
Frank Joyce
While I greatly appreciate the spirit and mostly support the
specifics of Terry's thoughtful suggestions, also couldn't agree more with
Bob. Please indulge me for quoting
myself in the context of truth and reconciliation with regards to racial
healing: there is no doubt that white
people want reconciliation. What they
don't want and mostly can't handle is the truth part. Which is part of what worries me about the
Burns series and his stated goals for it.
I'm reminded of an interview quote from him in an earlier thread that
the series would prove that "all three government failed." If that doesn't give new meaning to the
concept of the white man's gaze, I don't
know what does. Did the government of
Viet Nam also fail when it repelled the Japanese, French and multiple Chinese invasions? Anyway,
I hope we are all making the most of this day devoted to obsequiousness
to all things military and the deeply embedded idea that our
"freedom" is directly dependent on our willingness and capacity to
kill other humans.
Todd Gitlin
Speaking for myself, I have no interest in healing. Or
rather, I have negative interest. The Vietnam war was not an illness or a
wound, it was a crime. Your suggestions 1 & 2 are apropos, because there
are wounded people on both sides who need, & deserve, care. I would happily
contribute to efforts to address them both. Obviously nothing can be expected
from the current American regime to acknowledge responsibility for any of the
crimes. That Kissinger continues to be respected, indeed revered, tells us
everything we need to know about the moral black hole that continues to suck up
I want to clarify that I’m enthusiastically for face-to-face
meetings between people who used to be enemies and are no longer. We have much
to learn from each other. The healing I object to is national-level healing
absent a clear understanding that the war, on America’s side, was utterly
I'm not sure what follows from this, but just wanted to
Best to all, Todd
David McReynolds
Thanks for the post (and greetings to the others on this
list, old friends in the long march). I'll send this to my disarmament list.
We can't expect PBS to say what should be said or what we
might say, but the film will provide a chance for us, as veterans of that
period to help give the discussion a direction.
Gene Carroll
I traveled to Vietnam (Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City) in
January 2016 as part of a labor delegation.
Powerful, humbling, revealing.
One night over dinner my warm and wonderful Vietnam union comrade (who,
unfortunately, reminded me too much of the Soviet-era labor union minders who
hung on me like glue during on my visits there in another life) asked for my
impressions of his country thus far.
Among other things I mentioned that I’d seen very few old and elderly
citizens. He paused for a second or two
and then reminded me that “three million died in the war.” I said, “yes, of course, I knew that…”
Having two older brothers who fought in the war and returned
home safely, and cousins who were killed in the war, I am not sure brother
Gitlin’s negative interest in healing is the first thing that comes to my
mind. But Todd is quite correct and I
appreciate his bluntness: the war was a crime and a crime it remains; it’s
reach continues to expand. So many of
the homeless are Vietnam vets, and they’re getting pretty old. They are still searching for a healing.
Rabbi Arthur Waskow
I think at a deeper level there may not be a contradiction.
The healing of America might come only from the shared healing of the US & Viet victims of the crime.
Imagine — Could we
create an equivalent of the Vietnam War Memorial in DC (with its 55,000 names
making one Great Name) with the Vietnamese names —MANY MANY more — but somehow?
Could there be a Day of Contrition, Atonement,
At The Shalom Center we have focused a good deal of
attention on the 50th anniversary of MLK’s “Beyond Vietnam” speech/ sermon,
which came just this past April.
We are coming up on the 50th anniversary of his death next
April 4, which will also be the 51st anniversary of the speech. There are
likely to be many forms of memorial. Could one be a day to evoke Contrition,
Atonement for the crime & shared sorrow for the deaths & maimings,
physial & psychic?
Could Americans (not the govt, clearly) raise money for an
MLK Hospital or Old Age Home in Vietnam for veterans still suffering from the
Shalom, Arthur
Vivian Rothstein
Here's an alternative idea for how to approach the upcoming
Our country is in turmoil right now with hundreds of
thousands of people attempting to fight back against Trump and his reactionary
policies that threaten the health and welfare of the nation, if not the world.
Our firsthand knowledge and experience is about the anti-war
movement, how to build and sustain an opposition movement, and how to persevere
by broadening the movement's base.
If we define that movement to include all the people who
took a stand, sometimes at the risk of their lives, to oppose the war
including. soldiers, journalists, religious congregations and leaders,
students, academics, ordinary citizens, government employees, and security
personnel, we would be able to present that history in a way that could inform
and inspire the current movement of resisters.
This would also be a way of healing the wounds of the war in
that the anti-war movement has never been acknowledged for how broad and deep
it became and how it ultimately, along with the extraordinary efforts of the
Vietnamese themselves (who valued the movement tremendously), helped bring the
war to an end.
P.S. I don't think
the divisions that now exist in the country necessarily mirror the divisions
that existed around the Vietnam war.
Ed Hedemann
Along the lines of healing – in addition to the Vietnamese
people and veterans -- there are also those who resisted the draft, were jailed
for that or other actions, lost jobs, were ostracized, alienated from family.
Judy Gumbo
Thank you Vivian. And also Rabbi Waskow. Thanks also to
Terry Provance who helped organize the very successful Vietnam Power of Protest
Conference in 2015. We, the anti-Vietnam war movement, may still be
unrecognized for our efforts but in the long run we succeeded: we helped stop a
war and end the draft. I visited Vietnam in 1970 while the war still raged and
again in 2013 to help celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Paris Peace
Accords. Vietnamese we met, including Mme. Binh, were unequivocal in telling us
how grateful they still are for our efforts. Representatives from the
Vietnamese Embassy spoke both at Power of Protest and at the recent 45th
anniversary of Mayday, the largest mass arrest in US history. Perhaps those representatives
could be asked for input. In any event, If Terry is volunteering, with our
help, to organize events based on suggestions made on this list, I think we
should support that effort, don't you?
Diane Horwitz
Thank you so much for keeping me on this list. If I can help any way here in Chicago, please
let me know. For starters, I have
contact with people who work with h.s. students (The Chicago Teachers Union,
The Chicago Freedom School for example), and would be happy to share your
resource with them. I am sure this
resource will be valuable to teachers in high schools and colleges.
Bonnie Raines
Perhaps there can be a focus on the troubling response of
the government - particularly Hoover's FBI - to the protests against the war.
Citizen's rights to dissent were trampled on and nonviolent civil disobedience
was punished. Resistance to the draft was punished, and citizens were lied to
about the true cost and brutality of the war.
Don North
I share everyones interest in the Ken Burns Vietnam series.
I have always found Burn's work consistently journalistically sound and the
large budgets he is used to working with usually brings out the best results of
whatever topic he tackles. I understand his in depth research has unearthed new
and unseen war footage which will be a relief from the same old scenes used
over and over in most Vietnam documentaries.
I sometimes bridle at Burns high volume and discordant
promotion and selling of his work but high viewershipassures his docs full
funding I guess. Burns is using 12 of my photographs and a 1:30 commentary I
madeat the U.S. Embassy the morning of Tet '68. I can only trust it has been appropriately
edited from the original 2 hours. I also hope he has given the Peace protest
appropriate weight and time. I was a senior producer onthe TV series "The
Ten Thousand Day War" produced in 1980 and widely seen the world over,
including Vietnam, all 13 half hours used without censorship. There is rare
discussion or review of the war these days in Vietnam and if Burns series can
be shown there it will would I think be highly appreciated.
The New York Times series commemorating the wars 50th
anniversary of 1967 is certainly worth watching.Seems they run at least two
opinion spots each week. I have an article on the U.S. Marine base at Con Thein
scheduled for July 2nd. The Times seems to seek a great variety for this series
and I think it would be a goodopportunity for our experienced protest friends
to write some articles. Research for the Newseum's exhibit last year
"Reporting Vietnam" harshly criticized the majority of mainstream
media in the U.S. for not taking the protest movement seriously and diminishing
their effects.
I have just received an early copy of "Hue 1968"
by Mark Bowden. Its just short of 600 pages, deeply researched and well
written. I think it will take its place along with other great Vietnam books
like "A bright shining lie."
George Lakey
Thanks to everyone contributing to this thread and giving us
a sense of what's going on to mark this hugely important thing on multiple
levels, including our lives.
Just wanted you to know that the Freedoms Foundation at
Valley Forge, historically a center of flag-waving and support for the empire,
asked me to come to be a major presenter on how peace activists regarded the
Vietnam war. I'll have two hours with
college students to share, with emphasis on our action and strategy as well as
Marion Malcolm
In Oregon, by the way, we still have a very active CALC
chapter. We've done a number of
significant Vietnam-related events in recent times, and though we're very
focused on current challenges, we don't forget our CALCAV origins.
I have a question.
What is the interface between this group and VFP's Vietnam Full
I'm on their Google docs list and they are paying a lot of
attention to the Burns series -- with a great deal of skepticism and with
response plans. If there is not already
a tight connection, it seems to me to be essential. You can find them at I can also
forward some of their posts if you can't readily locate them.
Regarding Terry's several point proposal: I agree with
Stefan that is not appropriate to be suggesting to the Vietnamese what they should
do. Bad history about that. Not our place. Especially not asking them to apologize to
the Buddhists or the Third Force. Madame Ngo Ba Thanh, jailed by Thieu as a
prominent member of the Third Force, was asked by the Communist government to
be a key architect of Vietnam's constitution.
I was honored to meet her in Vietnam in 1990 and to accompany her when
CALC invited her to the US.
Thanks for all the work and thought!
David Rensberger
I'm writing this right after returning from the preview
screening of Ken Burns' forthcoming documentary, while it's still fresh in my
mind. This was clearly an event designed for Vietnam veterans, not for a broad
or general audience. Before the screening, a young representative from the Bank
of America (which bankrolled the film) spoke, and emphasized their support of
military personnel and veterans. Lynn Novick, co-director/producer of the
documentary, also expressed something similar in the way of gratitude for
veterans. I was under the impression that there was going to be some audience
Q&A afterward, but there was not, only a rather pointless (given the
subject matter) interview of Novick and Sarah Botstein, a co-producer, by
someone from GPB that mainly focused on the making of the documentary itself.
At one point, the veterans in the room were asked to stand, at which point
almost every man our age stood up.
Thus the excerpts were likely tailored to that intended
audience as well. Though part 1 of the documentary apparently begins in 1858
(that's what I saw, not 1958!), the excerpts started with (part of) the
introduction to the film, and then jumped to part 4. What was presented was
very much from the point of view of the combatants, not the political leaders
or the objectors--on either side. To me, the most striking thing was the
interviews with former Viet Cong and North Vietnamese soldiers, who were given
full scope to present both their pride and their skepticism (including about
their own government's lack of truthfulness about what was happening). It seems
that Vietnam has not fully come to terms with the war either, mainly because
the "winners" have no incentive to do so. (One of the former North
Vietnamese soldiers said that the only people who talk about someone winning
are the people who did not fight.)
In the excerpts, there were a few clips of U.S. political
and military leaders, but not a lot. Presumably the entire documentary includes
much more. The same is presumably (indeed, professedly) true of the antiwar
movement as well. There were a number of references, but only one significant
segment about the opposition, focused on the October 1969 moratorium
demonstration. It was given good coverage; but the conclusion was about Nixon's
successful P.R. countering it. The final word seemed to be given by Spiro
Agnew, in a fairly substantial clip of a speech he gave expressing his
willingness to trade all the opposition (focused mainly on far-left political
groups) for a platoon of soldiers. He gets a big ovation in the clip.
Afterward I made my way forward to talk briefly with Lynn
Novick. I said I realized they were making a film about the war, not about the
opposition to it, but wondered whether the film itself took the same stance as
Agnew. After somewhat patronizingly telling me to take a deep breath, she assured
me that once I saw the entire documentary, I would see that the presentation is
balanced, that Agnew is not given the last word, and that the antiwar movement
even comes off as "heroic." (I told her I was not interested in
"heroic," only in being accurately represented.)
On the whole, I was not assured on this point at all.
Obviously we can't know what's in it until it airs. But if it does present a
balanced picture of the controversy about and opposition to the war, then the
excerpts presented in the preview screening must not be representative of the
documentary as a whole. But why would they show excerpts that skew the
perspective in that way? I don't know.
It was a somewhat peculiar evening overall, and I felt a
lack of objectivity in the selection of excerpts to present. Yet the
presentation of the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong perspectives was startling
and strong, which suggests real courage on the part of the filmmakers. Likewise
for the presentation of battlefield violence and its result, which walks right
up to the very edge of what PBS is going to let on the air. As my wife Sharon
said afterward, those scenes in themselves are the best argument that could be
made against this or any war.
Thanks for continuing your activism! BTW, of your 5
suggestions, I was most intrigued by #5. A little Quaker-y, yeah, but I'm a
Mennonite and I get it. :-) I think dialog with Vietnamese people--former
soldiers or prisoners who are still there, and refugee families in the
U.S.--would be important in the aftermath of the documentary, especially given
that interviews with some of them are included in the film; but also that
nothing public should be said or done without the prior participation of
Nancy Jane Woodside
I would completely support #1 on this list but I do not
believe it goes far enough. I believe we
have to follow the money.
We have never documented the corporate research and
development of chemical and biological weapons tested and used to destroy the
land and people of Vietnam, leaving so many on all sides with life-altering
mental and physicalhealth issues that remain hidden from the world. The only way forward for peace and
reconciliation and the healing of wounds is to actually do the open the wound
with truth. For me. the Burns film, while very moving, does not do this work.
A few years ago, I was in touch with Madame Binh who I first
met at the international Paris Peace conference, along with Ambassador Bruce,
and then General Chu Van Tan in North Vietnam, a close ally of Ho Chi Minh. If
these people are still alive, they might want to be part of what I believe
needs to be a historical truth telling.
I would like to help make if possible for our work to be a full-circle
healing to include people from Southeast Asia and America who fought the war
and those who fought for the peace.
I know, for example, that here on the Cape, there is a very
active group of women who belong to the Women’s International League for Peace
and Freedom who would want to be part of this work. Also, we need to be in
touch with the Vietnamese communities who have settled here in the US and learn
what they remember this time in history. Where did they come from and why? And how do we include our vets who still live
with their wounds today? For me, the Burns documentary falls far short of
historical truth but could be a beneficial way to open dialogue and sow the
seeds for a new movement in this country.
One does want to ask Burns “why now and to what end? Did you really want to wake up some old
I also think we need to consider the implications of not
including Laos and Cambodia in our references to this region, permanently
changing and damaging the cultural face of what was once “Indochina.” One last
note, we must find a way to acknowledge the ongoing US reparations to restore
the eco system that are taking place ….who/what but our taxes are paying for
this and in what ways may they be profiting from work.
I want to know which companies are atoning and which ones don’t give a
damn. I don’t use Reynold’s wrap for a
P.S. When I get a
chance I will send out a copy of one of the poems I wrote about Vietnam that
appears in a book I recently published called “Sea Glass.” Along with my private mediation/arbitration
practice, I also conduct writing groups for women who are in drug/alcohol
recovery. Writing and speaking their truth
empowers their recovery. They teach me every week.
Bill Zimmerman
I have seen the entire 18-hour film. It is a thorough and “balanced” presentation
of the military side of the war. It
includes historical and contemporary perspectives of political, military and
civilian personnel on all sides of the conflict. Overall, the film very effectively lays the
blame for all the waste and carnage squarely at the White House doorstep of
every US president from Eisenhower to Nixon.
Ken Burns did not set out to present a nuanced and
comprehensive picture of the movement to stop the war. So, while the antiwar movement does play a
role, the film’s very comprehensive nature necessarily leaves the treatment of
the antiwar movement brief and lacking in depth. If we want to make use of the film as a
teaching opportunity, we would do best to try to fill this gap.
I don’t think an overall critique of the film will get us
very far. We lack the communications
resources to compete. However, the film
is likely to provoke at least some curiosity about the antiwar movement from
both the public and the media. If we try
to meet this curiosity with detailed information about why we initially opposed
the war, the various stages and strategies that the movement passed through,
what worked and what didn’t, and how the movement finally succeeded in ending
the war, we can be of service to a mass audience now searching for the tactics
and strategies needed to build a new resistance movement.
By focusing our efforts in this direction, and supplying the
missing information in depth, we will benefit from a more receptive public, and
we will be less likely to trip over our own private disagreements.
Howie Machtinger
What is the appropriate response to the banality of the Op-Ed:
“Vietnam’s Unhealed Wounds” by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick in the 2017 Memorial Day edition of
The New York Times? Such a trite pronouncement is surely destined for the dustbin of history. But already accompanied by much media hype, Burns and Novick are set to launch their PBS documentary: THE VIETNAM WAR, a ten-part, 18-hour series in September 2017. The series will be accompanied by an unprecedented outreach and public engagement process, providing opportunities for communities to participate in a national conversation about what happened during the Vietnam War. The series will, for better or worse, set the terms for this national conversation. Therefore it is incumbent upon those with an antiwar perspective to articulate a clear and compelling alternative perspective.
Full article here with responses by readers