Pentagon Papers Webinar Q & A and Chat


In 1972 I was a Major in the USAF just returned from tours in SE Asia (Laos) between 1966-68. I was assigned to teach USAF cadets and assigned the PP as an option for reading for a course dealing with USAF policy. Of a class of 22-23 cadets, 11 took the option. I asked them to read the book (a paperback) and see if they could see any trend in US policy that was contrary to what they heard or saw publicly. After a week several of them came to me saying the the book was too difficult to read or understand it was to them as one said "a mishmash" While publishing the papers was any thought given to make them more readable by the general public, or was that task left to the news media of the day.  By the way the process began a very open discussion (considering the class) about US policy making. Personally, I lost faith in the US after 6  months into my participation in the war.

Mike Burton

Let me try this again. My feeling is that it was not the papers being published (which was an act of courage) that caused the increase in protests, as there was no narrative, but rather the media as they sewed the papers into a understandable narrative

Mike Burton

Was the Watergate deliberately “botched” due to elements of the USG and CIA, in particular, wanting to bring down Nixon, as some speculate?

Jay Bybee

Why is it that the  "lies" continue?  The Pentagon allowed reporters to be embedded with the troops in Iraq and allpw coverage in Afghanistan, yet while the press can see  what is being fought  in the field, the question of how and why we were there in the first place remains based in who what allows the lack to transparency to continue?

Mike Burton

For Dan, how do you view your action of nonviolent civil disobedience in an historic context and how relevant is it for the realities we are facing today in the United States and the world; e.g., climate change/disruption.

Ted Glick

I heard Gar Aparovitz said paragraph 14 of the Potsdam Conference was redacted and this exposed the fact that we bombed after the Japanese surrendered.  It was only done as a show of force to Russia.  That cannot be an excuse.  It was 2 illegal bombs.  Since I heard this on an interview with David Barsamian but have trouble convincing everyone I tell this is true.

lynn segal

So we aren’t the only one who has used the bomb,  we used it for no reason.  Right?

lynn segal

Dan referenced how the equivalent of the Pentagon Papers has never been released for the subsequent wars in Afghanistan or Iraq. How deep do the lies continue? Are Congress & the public today sufficiently informed to enable meaningful democracy, or do we instead remain in the dark, subject to effectively authoritarian executive secrecy?

Shahid Buttar

(Correction) So, NOT ONLY are we the only one who used it …

lynn segal

So it established 2 awful precedents.  One, we used two nuclear bombs. Two, we used them illegally.  That makes us the worlds biggest liar,  which is worse than dropping two bombs.  Because we can do much worse,  with this unrevealed truth rendering the public irrelevant and helpless.

lynn segal

A lot has happened in 50 years. The lies are coming from the other side today. The Pentagon Papers, like much of anecdotal history, can be cherry-picked to support multiple POV's. Accountability applies to the fate of 2 million Cambodians and a similar number of Vietnamese boat people, "reducated" SVN and those killed out of hand or sent to New Economic Zones, as well as to the now non-communist people of Eastern Europe.

Steve Sherman

My memory is that MacNamara DID in the end write a book "We Were Wrong" - but I have never found it - IS IT TRUE that he did write said book?

Nancy Liela Nelson

Sending question now as it's past my bedtime, so my apologies.

Dr. Ellsberg - With the proliferation of ridiculous conspiracy theories on all manner of topics, from vaccines, to elections, to the deaths of historical figures, would a modern day "Pentagon Papers" have the same visceral impact on the public? How do we prevent people from being desensitized to factual bombshells like when people already believe anything that already confirms their worldview? Is there enough incentive for a would-be Ellsberg level sacrifice?

Chris Simondet

What are the leading lies now being told about Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, etc.

Gar Smith

I feel like I know very little about what has happened in Afghanistan and what is going on now.  I don't think most Americans think about Afghanistan.  It is not the first story in the news.  I fear what will happen when we actually try to leave, but I don't think we will ever know what is going on.  When we had a draft, more people knew what was happening.  Now that we have a "professional" military, it is easier to keep secrets.  Will there ever be any "Afghanistan papers?"

Mary Posner

Did the Pentagon Papers reveal any information about the air war in Laos

Anonymous Attendee

But history really comes from individual actions. Dan had planned to return to RVN in 1968, but his trip was vetoed by Col. Jacobson. Had you been permitted to return, would you have continued your supportive attitude, rather than get ripped off by Gail Sheehan (no honor among thieves) to promulgate a lesser FRUS.

Steve Sherman



Does Dan have any response to the revelations made subequent to the death of Neil Sheehan earlier this year?

Anonymous Attendee

Terry,  I know a similar device.  You can kill one person in a car without destroying the car.  The name starts with “G” and it is sent out from some lazer or remote source and opens up those rotating blades that kills the person.  I heard about it 2 mos. ago, used in Gaza. in May,  I believe.

lynn segal

Could the panelists comment on the impact of the release of the Pentagon Papers on families?   I was first a Conscientious Objector and then Draft Resister; my parents generally supported me, but did not understand what I was doing or fully why.  Then - after reading the Papers - my father (a Holocaust survivor and US Army veteran) cried and said that he now believed me that the US was behaving illegally.   Until then, he thought that the US Government would not lie.   Thank you, Dan and Tony!

Don Kollisch

Aren't Snowden, Chelsea Manning and Assange that current Ellsberg whistle blowers about ongoing US terrorism?

Nancy Liela Nelson

Does the panel think the lack of vocal opposition to our wars in the Middle East is due to control of the press and how much does the mercenation (making them mercenaries)  of the military contribute?

steve geiger

Why treat Viet Nam as somehow distinct or disconnected from the Korean war or for that matter the Philippines or Hawaii?

In a similar way, why treat Nixon’s surveillance of Congress members, journalists or Danial Ellsberg as separate from the surveillance of Rev. King, the antiwar movement or the interventions of Cointelpro, such as the assassination in 1969 of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark?

Frank Joyce

Is the genocide against Uyghers in China and the U.S. apparent blindness of it in any way relevant with U.S. government deception?  How so and why?

Anonymous Attendee

Hello! I’m a producer for the show Democracy Now! Hosted by Amy Goodman, wondering if you could please email us the video recording of the event to as soon as available, Mr. Ellsberg is joining us on the program tomorrow morning to commemorate 50 years since the Pentagon Papers. Thank you!

Maria Taracena

How do we get across to the American people that our government continues to lie to the American people to fight all their wars? How do we wake up the American people before we are in  a nuclear war with China or Russia?

David Hartsough

For all panelists: Given the lack of institutional change following the release of the pentagon papers, how do you maintain hope that a more equitable, honest society is attainable? We know we have the opportunity to push a centrist to the left, but without a filibuster-proof majority in the currently republican held senate it seems far-fetched that we see any movement on civil rights or global warming. The pentagon papers, the murder of Floyd, nor the recent leak of IRS documents to propublica have resulted in the formation of a mass movement. Where do you draw from to find hope that change is possible?

Anonymous Attendee

What do you think of the ubiquitous “thank you for your service” — does it end up covering up the politics of US wars…

Page Delano

Do you see any parallels between the rhetoric propped up by the State department about the Uyghur situation in China and the false rhetoric about Iraq?

Naheel Khatri

'“Jay Bybee” is really James Williamson, here in Cambridge, MA. Sitting with Pebble Gifford, on Hilliard Street, whose husband Dunn (now sadly deceased) helped Dan copy the documents. Hi, Dan, from Pebble (and Priscilla McMillan, her neighbor across the street, next door to where Dan was staying when he copied the papers on Hilliard Street near Harvard Square...) Remember Colonial Drug? Could you talk about details of how you copied the papers and what transpired while you here on Hilliard St?

Jay Bybee

Dave Shoup extracted a firm commitment from Chaing Kai-Shek to the take over the so called advisory role in S. Vietnam ideally stopping the escalation of involvement the United States. Upon Shoups'  return and while waiting to meet to formalize details with John Kennedy the President was killed.

Kenneth shoup

Could details of "The Insanity Defense" (book Sam mentioned) be posted?

Chris Berg

Thank you so much for this discussion—and for the work of our speakers!

Shahid Buttar

The revelations of the crimes of some RAND personnel need to be further discussed — they are less well-known and still important today.

Dave Clennon

We're in Media, PA, where three months before the release of the Pentagon Papers, a group of brave individuals broke into the FBI office to obtain material  showing how the FBI suppressed Vietnam War resistance (among other things). How did this radical action, and the information which was published as a result, affect you and perhaps also your release of the Pentagon papers.

Paul Sheldon

Why did the Gaza war in May last only 10 days?  I thought that was going to be WW3.

lynn segal

I mean the revelations by Tony Russo, from his time at RAND.

Dave Clennon

This is Charlie Clements. I was a Distinguished Graduate of the Air Force Academy and chose to fly a C-130 (cargo/transport), so I wouldn't have to take anyone's life. In Jan 1970 I flew a Top Secret mission to Phnom Penh, which I was told was diplomatic to discuss interdiction of the Ho Chi Minh trail. A few days after that a CIA agent in Saigon told me I was naive if I believed that. He had a team on our flight, which was arranging a coup. In two months he said, Prince Shihanouk would go to Paris for a medical consultation and a man named Lon Nol would take power. Soon after that we would be invited to invade Cambodia. I didn't believe it, but it all unfolded as he predicted. On April 30th I flew eight sorties carrying 60 combat ready army troops to a firebase near the Parrot's Beak. At the end of that day, I refused to fly further missions in SE Asia, was placed in a locked psychiatric ward, and after eight months medically discharged with a 10% psychiatric disability. My question is does this make sense?

Charlie Clements

What a night! A Master Class in keeping the governmnt honest.

Lucy Yatsko

19:34:06 From  MIKE LEVINSON  to  All panelists : Hello from the War Resisters League!
19:36:27 From  steve wasserman  to  All panelists : Steve Wasserman (Berkeley) here to say congratulations to the organizers of this good and important forum to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Dan and Tony’s courageous leak of the Pentagon Papers.
19:37:45 From  Pebble Gifford  to  All panelists : Hi, Dan, I’m here on Hilliard Street with Pebble Gifford!
19:38:04 From  Tad Daley  to  All panelists : Thank you for that beautiful launch for this event. Tony and Dan ain't the only ones who have cried about that.
19:38:10 From  Pebble Gifford  to  All panelists : Bravo!
19:39:06 From  Shahid Buttar  to  All panelists : So excited for this discussion! Thanks for organizing and hosting. Daniel is a bona fide national hero.
19:48:30 From  King Reilly  to  Everyone : Please contact me if interested in running for a Pacifica Radio station board at Los Angeles, Berkeley, Houston, New York or D.C. King Reilly   323-839-0985
20:19:27 From  Carey Robson  to  All panelists : I would prefer to hear from Daniel Ellsberg about his evaluation of today.
20:19:28 From  K. Yama-Guchi  to  All panelists : Reviewing world history from Greek time, especially in the last 500 years, there has been a  physical war each time #2 country grows to threat #1 and overtakes #1 position. The Netherlands > Spanish/Portugal > Britain > USA. China is more likely grows to #1 in several years, not only in GDP but with stronger military power. What strategy we should have to avoid any physical conflict between USA = allies and China. There are more than flashing points including N. Korea, Senkaku islands with Japan, South China Sea with the Philippines, etc.
20:20:42 From  Howard Weld  to  All panelists : Dr. Ellsberg, Thank you. I received my DDS from Northwestern University on 12 June. On reading The Pentagon Papers I felt that I could not wear an American uniform. I deserted in January 1972.   My life in Canada would not have occurred without your courage. I cannot repay my debt to you. Howard Weld
20:23:23 From  Ben Bradlee Jr  to  All panelists : Will there be a transcript of this discussion?  [No]
20:23:58 From  Christopher Cruise  to  All panelists : Thank you.
20:24:08 From  Al C.  to  All panelists : There was no unprovoked attack on american ships. Johnson made it up and I.F. Stone reported about it at the time.
20:31:42 From  John McAuliff  to  Ben Bradlee Jr and all panelists : No plan for a transcript but it will be available on youtube
20:33:15 From  Shona Davidson  to  All panelists : Seeing the analogies to the revelations by Julian Assange about the war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not much has changed!
20:37:15 From  Joe Volk  to  All panelists : Dan, thank you for your courageous and conscientious action to bring the Pentagon Papers to light!
20:37:45 From  Scott Campbell  to  All panelists : To what extent were U.S. political leaders misleading themselves, as well as the public?  Cold War worry, even hysteria, was at its height — another lie, but also with some basis in reality.
20:38:12 From  Barbara Myers  to  All panelists : I’d like to share a new article on Tony’s contribution - it can be found at
20:39:24 From  Christian Appy  to  All panelists : Great discussion! Thank you all.
20:39:55 From  Joyce Gerber  to  All panelists : Wonderful to be able to watch it again, and share it!
20:40:50 From  A. Tom Grunfeld  to  All panelists : The Pentagon has discussed the use of tactile nuclear weapons throughout the Cold War from  Korea to VN. I have a declassified Joint Chiefs of Staff memo from early 1968 discussing the possible use of nuclear weapons if the US loses the battle over Khe Sanh.
20:41:58 From  John McAuliff  to  Everyone : Chat is open.  You should be able to communicate with everyone or privately to particular persons.
20:42:56 From  Maria Taracena  to  All panelists : Hello! I’m a producer for the show Democracy Now! Hosted by Amy Goodman, wondering if you could please email us the video recording of the event to as soon as available, Mr. Ellsberg is joining us on the program tomorrow morning to commemorate 50 years since the Pentagon Papers. Thank you!
20:45:01 From  David Hughes  to  Everyone : Thank you to the Commemoration Committee for a wonderful event.
20:45:27 From  David Hughes  to  Everyone : It is incredible to see my hero Dan Ellsberg!!!
20:45:58 From  Steve Sherman  to  All panelists : john McAuliffe. please open chat for attachments
20:46:05 From  John McAuliff  to  Maria Taracena and all panelists : I'll get it up on YouTube tonight and send you the link.  Send me an email
20:46:21 From  steve wasserman  to  Everyone : Steve Wasserman (Berkeley) here to say congratulations to the organizers of this good and important forum to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Dan and Tony’s courageous leak of the Pentagon Papers.
20:47:53 From  Maria Taracena  to  All panelists : Thank you John! We appreciate it!
20:48:13 From  Terry Provance  to  Everyone : Many thanks to all of you for joining us this evening.  We look forward to informing you of future events and we will especially welcome your financial support.  Please go to and click on donating.  Peace to all of you, Terry Provance, VPCC
20:48:15 From  A. Tom Grunfeld  to  Everyone : The Pentagon has discussed the use of tactile nuclear weapons throughout the Cold War from  Korea to VN. I have a declassified Joint Chiefs of Staff memo from early 1968 discussing the possible use of nuclear weapons if the US loses the battle over Khe Sanh.
Tom Grunfeld
20:48:24 From  Douglas Igelsrud  to  Everyone : Mike Ravel getting the PPs in the congressional record.
20:49:04 From  Rhonda Jessum  to  All panelists : Hello. I’m seeking help from an investigative reporter in Los Angeles to expose corruption by LA County government. Please contact me if you have an ideas:  My name is Rhonda (Elwell) Jessum. I am the daughter of Tony’s very close friend Roy Elwell. ❤️
20:49:18 From  Trevor Mealham  to  All panelists : Would Daniel endorse a help forum for those with politically sensitive papers to leak. It's a minefield and authorities play dirty to try and silence those fighting the fight. A forum could share release ideas etc.
20:49:44 From  Daniel Shea  to  All panelists : I became skeptical in Marine Bootcamp, Viet Nam Confirmed to me, we were being lied. I was involved in a mutiny in Viet Nam while on a search & destroyed mission. There was a GI Resistance movement in the battlefields and on military bases in the U.S. and around the world. There were POWs who protested the war.   The powers that be lied then, and continue to lie, as an Agent Orange exposed Veteran, I lost my 3 year old son, in 1981 from Birth Defects related to Agent Orange but this gov still denies any connections.
20:50:23 From  Mary Posner  to  All panelists : Hope you will mention the upcoming documentary about the impact of Daniel Ellsberg on the war, "The Movement and the Madman."  It features interviews with Daniel Ellsberg and others.  Hopefully, editing will be finished by end of summer.
20:50:46 From  max lockwood  to  All panelists : In Vietnam the Government used Communism as a rationale for US military intervention. If Communism was not a legit threat then what was the actual reasoning behind the war effort?
20:51:16 From  A D  to  All panelists : For all panelists: Given the lack of institutional change following the release of the pentagon papers, how do you maintain hope that a more equitable, honest society is attainable? We know we have the opportunity to push a centrist to the left, but without a filibuster-proof majority in the currently republican held senate it seems far-fetched that we see any movement on civil rights or global warming. The pentagon papers, the murder of Floyd, nor the recent leak of IRS documents to propublica have resulted in the formation of a mass movement. Where do you draw from to find hope that change is possible?
20:51:59 From  Mike Burton  to  All panelists : There were three sets of books, the third being Laos. More bombs were dropped there than were dropped on Germany and Japan in WWII.  know as I was one of those who dropped some of them . The USA was totally in violation of International Law from 1965-1975
20:52:13 From  Jay Bybee  to  All panelists : “Jay Bybee” is really James Williamson, here in Cambridge, MA. Sitting with Pebble Gifford, on Hilliard Street, whose husband Dunn (now sadly deceased) helped Dan copy the documents. Hi, Dan, from Pebble (and Priscilla McMillan, her neighbor across the street, next door to where Dan was staying when he copied the papers on Hilliard Street near Harvard Square...) Remember Colonial Drug? Could you talk about details of how you copied the papers and what transpired while you here on Hilliard St?
20:52:42 From  Lee BOEK  to  Everyone : Thank you Marsha Myers for such an eloquent and accurate depiction of an unsung hero of that era, Tony Russo.. I knew him well and the quality of his convictions and efforts to stand for right and respect of the Vietnamese people and their struggles. It's great too to see and hear Daniel again and to see the passion with which he continues to be a watchman for the people. Thank you Daniel. All the best to all the rest of you, great to hear each of you. Thank you all.
20:52:54 From  bob potter  to  All panelists : Thank you Jay and your distinguished panel for this historic remembrance of the courage of Daniel Ellsberg and his courageous supporters  in the release of the Pentagon Papers. We continue to live in a time when our last President lied and spied on the press and elected officials and this reminds us that history, as always, sadly repeats itself unless individuals stand up for truth. Thank you for organizing this remembrance.  -Bob Potter
20:53:38 From  Rhonda Jessum  to  All panelists : Hi Lee!  Her name is  BARBARA, not Marsha! 💗Rhonda
20:58:23 From  Shona Davidson  to  All panelists : Thank you so much Daniel Ellsberg and the panel. It has been so enlightening for me. I will follow and listen again on YouTube.
20:58:26 From  steve wasserman  to  Everyone : Extraordinarily good point being made here by Sam Brown. The Pentagon Papers confirmed what had been hiding in plain sight ever since IF Stone in his Weekly had been publishing for the decade prior. The Papers confirmed what some of us had suspected all along: That the radical critique of the war was correct. That we weren’t wrong. That the government’s duplicity and mendacity was confirmed by their own words and secret documents. The Papers’ release emboldened those of us in the antiwar movement to redouble our efforts to end that ignoble and disgraceful war.
20:58:50 From  Christian Appy  to  All panelists : From Chris Appy. So many great comments! Thanks to all. We need to think about how to respond to "liberal" Dems who seem to believe Biden's claim that the "US is back" means a renewal of commitment to democracy abroad and the Atlantic Charter.with no knowledge of the disparity between rhetoric and behavior.
20:59:33 From  David Hartsough  to  All panelists : Thanks to everyone for an excellent panel - and for telling the truth 50 years ago and in all the years since.
20:59:46 From  Nancy Liela Nelson  to  All panelists : aren't Assange, Snowden and Maning the Ellsberg and Russos of today?
20:59:48 From  Rhonda Jessum  to  All panelists : Thank you Dan!
20:59:51 From  Mike Burton  to  All panelists : No one has mentioned Laos--which is where Eisenhower said the domino was beginning..and where the US left 80 million un exploded ordninaces that are still killing people
20:59:55 From  Jane L.G.BARTON  to  Everyone : Yes, I agree that Barbara raised such an important point --that Tony was touched by the humanity of the Vietnamese and wanted to raise the issue of race and dehumanization  of the Vietnamese.  Thank you, Barbara
21:00:13 From  Joseph Gerson  to  Everyone : Dan will be speaking about Preparations for Nuclear War with China over Taiwan, Then and Now on June 23:
21:00:17 From  Rhonda Jessum  to  All panelists : Yes!
21:00:29 From  Weldon Nisly  to  All panelists : Thanks to everyone, especially Daniel Ellsberg. You and all the panelists are heroes for me. The Pentagon Papers and Watergate were so formative for me in over a half century of peacemaking! I continue as a member of the Christian Peacemaker Iraqi Kurdistan team and giving presentations on "War Is A Lie!" 
21:00:48 From  Judy Kaplan  to  Everyone : Thank you for this amazing program.
21:01:37 From  ruth messinger  to  All panelists : indeed, this has been extraordinary.  needs to be shown broadly through some mechanism or other, especially because ofthe parallels to today
21:02:05 From  arline Rubin  to  All panelists : Thank you for an extremely educational webinar since I was a young woman at the time and did
21:02:06 From  Chuck Turchick  to  Everyone : Thank you to all the panelists. And a special thank you to Dan. Good to see you again. You're looking good! And are as sharp as ever.
21:02:29 From  Rhonda Jessum  to  All panelists : Beautiful Barbara!
21:02:35 From  Harold Penner  to  All panelists : Who’s following the money?  War continues to provide huge profits for a few at taxpayer expense!  How can we stop paying for this evil?
21:03:17 From  Paul Sheldon  to  All panelists : We're in Media, PA, where three months before the release of the Pentagon Papers, a group of brave individuals broke into the FBI office to obtain material  showing how the FBI suppressed Vietnam War resistance (among other things). How did this radical action, and the information which was published as a result, affect you and perhaps also your release of the Pentagon papers.
21:03:22 From  V.S. (Raghu) Raghavan  to  All panelists : Thanks You all.  Great program
21:03:28 From  Kenneth shoup  to  Everyone : Thanks for this important dialog reviewing lessons ignored by a greater population of this country.
21:03:40 From  Mike Burton  to  All panelists : In 1968 I sat in on a discussion of senior officers who were advocating for the use of "Tactical Nuclear" weapons on the Mia Ghia Pass saying it would end the war by  cutting off the flow of arms to the South
21:03:53 From  Tad Daley  to  Everyone : Friends and colleagues I want to recommend Dan's 2017 book The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. It's about the even greater secrecy which has prevailed about American nuclear doctrines for 3/4 of a century now -- and the infinitely greater potential consequences.
21:04:04 From  John² Dalziel  to  All panelists : Thanks for this excellent.   I missed beginning,  look forward to seeing recording.  This should be given to University students today.
21:04:32 From  Mary Posner  to  All panelists : Thanks to Dan for reminding us peace activists about the impact of our demonstrations on possibly preventing the use of nuclear weapons.  When I first heard about this a few years ago, I wept.  And thanks to Sam Brown for organizing our efforts.
21:04:41 From  John McAuliff  to  Everyone : A footnote for Jay's comment.  The US never pledged to give reparations.  It pledge to provide aid to heal the wounds of war.  "Reparations" was a characterization used to undermine the US pledge because of the political implications of the word.
21:04:43 From  arline Rubin  to  All panelists : did not understand what was happening other than not wanting my brother to be drafted into the Vietnam War.  Thank you so much for this fabulous panel.
21:06:00 From  max lockwood  to  All panelists : How does Dwight Eisenhower
21:06:07 From  Piedad Palacios  to  Everyone : Thank you Dan, Barbara and rest of the brilliant panel and organizers!  Seems crucial that Tony Russo’s foresight of data being manipulated is highly relevant in the today’s world of Big Data/Big money, and the continued manipulation for specific gains.  Tony’s quest with Rand should have been payed attention to
21:06:07 From  Hana Fouladi  to  All panelists : Thank you all for your work, your time today, and your continued inspiration and hope for a better future. As someone in their 20s reading your books, I hope to contribute to your incredibly impactful work and steps towards a better world.
21:06:40 From  John² Dalziel  to  All panelists : The issues of truth and accountability are relevant to safety issues, such as Grenfell Tower fire in London.
21:06:46 From  Judith Ehrlich  to  All panelists : Daniel Ellsberg’s influence didn’t end decades ago, they continue  in the actions of contemporary digital whistleblowers.  Edward Snowden has stated on a number of occasions that he released the secrets he did as the result of seeing “The Most Dangerous Man in America, Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers” a film Rick goldsmith and I made about Daniel’s courageous actions
21:07:04 From  Mark Barbash  to  Everyone : Thank you Dan.
21:07:11 From  Kasha Sequoia Slavner  to  Everyone : I’m going to share this recording with my daughter who is a genz documentary filmmaker working on a film about militarism and climate justice to encourage more young people to get involved.
21:07:16 From  jim dingeman  to  All panelists : Absolutely…eternally greateful
21:07:21 From  Barbara Myers  to  Everyone : Thank you Dan
21:07:26 From  Tatanka Bricca  to  All panelists : THANK YOU DAN! AND ALL INVOLVED—GREAT EVEINBG! LET
21:07:31 From  max lockwood  to  All panelists : thank you Dan
21:07:32 From  Barbara Myers  to  Everyone : and thank you Tony
21:07:37 From  Fern Tishman  to  All panelists : thank you to all in this outreach!
21:07:39 From  Ellen Ross  to  All panelists : Thank you Dan and Tony
21:07:40 From  Barbara Myers  to  Everyone :
21:07:41 From  Daniel Ford  to  All panelists : Thank you, Dan for all you have done and continue to do in the name of peace
21:07:41 From  Carey Robson  to  All panelists : I would like to hear more from Daniel Ellsberg.
21:07:42 From  Tatanka Bricca  to  All panelists : LET’S END WAR AS A LEGAL INSTITUTION!
21:07:45 From  mary jadernak  to  Everyone : THANK YOU DAN !!!! TRUE AMERICAN HERO
21:07:51 From  Mark Giese  to  Everyone : Thanks!(!)!
21:07:53 From  Kathie Jones  to  All panelists : Thank you Dan and Elizabeth and all of you.  We will keep up the fight,
21:07:56 From  Joan Pelc  to  All panelists : Dan, Thank you for your immense courage.
21:08:01 From  Kasha Sequoia Slavner  to  Everyone : We need a revitalized movement for peace.
21:08:02 From  Paul Rogers  to  Judith Ehrlich and all panelists : Hi Judith.  Yup.  We're still at it!
21:08:02 From  Nina Lazar  to  All panelists : Thanks to All!  What courage... Now let's get the other crook!
21:08:06 From  Naheel Khatri  to  Everyone : Thank you Dan!
21:08:10 From  Rob Kyff  to  All panelists : Thank you Liz, Dan, Barbara and Tony!
21:08:21 From  Shahid Buttar  to  Everyone : Thank you so much for this incredible discussion, and your world-historically heroic work!
21:08:23 From  Aaron Baker  to  Everyone : Thanks for this. It's am honor and this has been extremely inspirational. Solidarity Forever.
21:08:25 From  Barbara Myers  to  Everyone : A crucial link DAN!!!
21:08:27 From  Rhonda Jessum  to  All panelists : I love you Dan.
21:08:27 From  Mark Shanahan  to  Everyone : Thanks you all…history matters!!
21:08:29 From  Ann Gotthoffer  to  All panelists : wonderful discussion.  Thank you everyone.  Thanks for sharing Tony's voice Barbara.
21:08:30 From  Tatanka Bricca  to  All panelists : AS A VIETNAM DRAFT RESISTER, EVERYONE SHOULD SEE “THE BOYS WHO SAID NO”
21:08:32 From  Jay Bybee  to  All panelists : Thank you, Barbara! And of course Dan and Gar at al...
21:08:36 From  Dennis Muren  to  All panelists : Thank You Dan!!!
21:08:41 From  Nancy Liela Nelson  to  All panelists : So HOW do we support Assange NOW??/
21:08:45 From  Tim Mulligan  to  All panelists : Thanks to Dan Ellsberg for all you have done and continue to do, and thanks to all the panelists for a great program!
21:08:45 From  Ed Meek  to  All panelists : Very informative.  Thank you, thank you...!!
21:08:46 From  Kasha Sequoia Slavner  to  Everyone : Defend the whistleblowers.
21:08:48 From  Fran DeMillion  to  All panelists : Thank you for as important History lesson and for your heroic actions defend DEmocracy
21:08:50 From  Daniel Shea  to  All panelists : Thanks to Dan Ellsberg and the all the panelists, Peace Now & Forever
21:08:50 From  jim dingeman  to  All panelists : Yes…very true …the cowards in the government.always unforgivable and also today
21:08:57 From  Michael Padwee  to  All panelists : Thank you, Dan! And thanks to you all.
21:08:58 From  Rhonda Jessum  to  All panelists : Tony is here with us!  (Thank you Barabara!)
21:09:00 From  Shona Davidson  to  All panelists : Thank you Dan!  The people must claim our true history.
21:09:07 From  Phyllis Townley  to  All panelists : Brilliant then and now………thank you!!
21:09:13 From  Joyce Gerber  to  All panelists : Daniel, I saw you speak live in Los Angeles a few years ago. I was so happy to have met you, and saw and heard you speak! Thank you for everything you have done!
21:09:15 From  Edward Franks  to  All panelists : except Senator Charles Goode
21:09:15 From  Martha Kirpes  to  All panelists : Thank you, Dan.  I was 11 yrs old in 1971 but read the local newspaper and the stories about the Vietnam War and the Pentagon Papers.  Today I take actions for peace and work with college students in social justice education.
21:09:19 From  mary jadernak  to  Everyone : HEY EVERYONE LET’S MOVE TO MITIGATE CLIMATE CHANGE1
21:09:20 From  Eda Gordon  to  All panelists : Thank you for all your courage and persistence to keep the spirit alive to end the War that changed our understandings and trust of government.
21:09:23 From  Meredith Nicolich  to  All panelists : Thank you!
21:09:24 From  AMY Blumenshine  to  All panelists : Thanks and blessings be upon you!  We are all in your debt!
21:09:28 From  Lib Hutchby  to  All panelists : Thank you immensely!  Defend all whistleblowers!!
21:09:33 From  Rick Hardt  to  Everyone : Thank you, Daniel, and all of the other courageous panelists — great men and women of conscience. True leaders who have done right and are continuing to endeavor to continue to do so.
21:09:35 From  Brewster Rhoads  to  Everyone : Thanks for a wonderful program.  I encourage all of us to make donations to support the important work of VPCC.
21:09:37 From  Karen Denicore  to  Everyone : Thank you!  I really needed this. Appreciate you all.
21:09:37 From  Kasha Sequoia Slavner  to  Everyone : Agree @mary
21:09:40 From  Bob Meola  to  All panelists : Thank you,  Dan and everyone!
21:09:40 From  Daniel Ford  to  All panelists : Please announce your website
21:09:42 From  Wendy Rogan  to  All panelists : You are the embodiment of moral courage, Mr. Ellsberg!! Thank you so much for all you have done to preserve democracy. Thank you to the organizers for this inspirational webinar!
21:09:43 From  Piedad Palacios  to  Everyone : SPEAK UP!!
21:09:56 From  Carole Cullum  to  All panelists : THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
21:10:04 From  mary jadernak  to  Everyone : DEFEND THE WHISTLE BLOWERS
21:10:15 From  Lee Doss  to  All panelists : MORE, please!!!
21:10:18 From  Bill Hartman  to  All panelists : Will it be in the posted recording on Monday or Tuesday?
21:10:19 From  Carole Cullum  to  All panelists : Carole Cullum from California (Mayday 1971)
21:10:20 From  Lee BOEK  to  Everyone : for the wrong name.
21:10:25 From  Lee Doss  to  All panelists : THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!
21:10:31 From  Joyce Gerber  to  All panelists : Thank you all so much!
21:10:38 From  Fern Tishman  to  All panelists : hearing about public schools telling students myths of 19 foreign hijackers using box cutter knife to take down highly secured buildings is traumatic .   9/11/01 was a foreplanned act of war.
21:10:43 From  Kathie Jones  to  All panelists : Can you send poetry to our emails please  - k jones
21:10:44 From  Kasha Sequoia Slavner  to  Everyone : We’re interested in archival footage if anyone has from any peace marches from the 60-70’-80’s
21:11:00 From  Maria Taracena  to  All panelists : Mr. Ellsberg is joining us tomorrow morning :)
21:11:01 From  Nina Lazar  to  Everyone : Bravi all involved.  Thank you... Now let's get the other corrupt players!!!
21:11:05 From  Kasha Sequoia Slavner  to  Everyone :
21:11:09 From  Maria Taracena  to  All panelists : Thank you all!
21:11:15 From  Naheel Khatri  to  Everyone : Free Assange as well!
21:11:25 From  Jack Malinowski  to  All panelists : Thanks Terry and John, great program, Deb and Jack
21:11:59 From  Debra Kraus  to  All panelists : Dan, We have a new foreign policy for nuclear war - Chernobyl and Fukushima Dai Ichi.  No more bombs, bullets, or boots on the ground.  Depopulation continues!  Thank you for everything you all do.  Prayers for humanity.
21:12:20 From  Joyce Gerber  to  All panelists : John, you did great!
21:12:47 From  Ralph Schultz  to  All panelists : marvelius, RALPH Spec 6 US ARMY strategic intelligence 1970 to 76
21:14:23 From  Dave Clennon  to  Everyone : Tony Russo (rest in power) remained active through the Central America anti-intervention movement of the ‘80s and early ‘90s, in Los Angeles. Thank you, Tony for continuing to inspire us.
21:15:26 From  Tatanka Bricca  to  All panelists : THANK YOU FOR THE RONY RUSSO POETRY/VIETNAM PRISONER
21:15:35 From  Barbara Myers  to  Everyone : the whole video is on youtube. look for “the other conspirator”
21:16:17 From  Joyce Gerber  to  All panelists : Thank you!
21:16:18 From  Hamilton Fish  to  Everyone : To Dan Ellsberg, the quintessential whistleblower , who as the first recipient of the Ridenhour Courage Prize set the bar for subsequent winners and for that entire process of recognition and acknowledgement of the men and women who have been the true heroes of our democracy.
21:16:26 From  Mark Barbash  to  Everyone :  [The Tony Russo documentary]

Q & A and Chats from Mayday webinar and zoom

Q & A from Mayday Webinar, April 

Chat from Mayday Zoom, May 26, 2021

19:05:46 From  Stephen Spitz  to  Everyone : The 2015 conference was incredible!

19:13:23 From  Martha Kirpes  to  John McAuliff(Direct Message) : John, please give my 3 minutes to someone else when needed.  I was only 11 years old in 1971 so am here to learn about things that I read about in the newspaper, unbeknownst to adults in my life, as the Vietnam war wasn't really discussed and I felt I was doing something secret.  I could always read far beyond my grade level.  I really appreciate that this group lets me be a learner at these events.

19:14:19 From  John McAuliff  to  Martha Kirpes(Direct Message) : Welcome.  Glad to have you.

19:27:04 From  Michael Goodman  to  Everyone : If only he hadn't made the Eagleton faux pas!

19:29:06 From  Eddie Becker  to  Everyone : Classic re-edit of May Day RAW 1971 videos watch and share.

 "Feel the true fervor of 1970s utopian activism! Action-packed and emotionally-charged. Counter-programming to Ken Burns' PBS series "The Vietnam War" from the counter-culture...focusing cameras on the true impact of the peace movement. Featuring Rennie Davis, Dr Benj Spock, Mayday Video pioneer camera journalists, and thousands of brave anti-war protesters, including and especially Vietnam Vets Against the War. Rated R: Radical Politics, Violence, Language. Check out the Bonus Feature movies for contrasting points of view and techniques. including for DVDs, art & academic acquisitions, and public screenings."

 Description and re-edit by Skip Blumberg.

19:41:48 From  Eddie Becker  to  Everyone : Legal question -  martial Law status (temporary) how important was this? Precedent for afterwards??

19:44:08 From  Larry Roberts  to  Everyone : Eddie Becker: Nixon didn’t invoke martial law in calling out the military on Mayday. Nor did he go through the proper channels of the Insurrection Act. He just made the order to the Pentagon. Which if it were fully understood at the time would have been its own scandal.

19:44:44 From  Bill Davis  to  Everyone :

19:44:57 From  Bill Davis  to  Everyone : We used "Year Of The Pig" to organize, travelling to campuses March and April...

19:45:01 From  Michael Goodman  to  Everyone : Sounds like COINTELPRO .

19:45:12 From  Bill Davis  to  Everyone :

19:47:14 From  Eddie Becker  to  Everyone : THx Larry.  Kaufman wrote there was martial law, called by   asst AG kleindinst -(sp?)

19:47:33 From  Michael Goodman  to  Everyone : Kleindienst

19:48:40 From  Stephen Spitz  to  Everyone : William Rehnquist, then the head of the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice, wrote a memo saying that Nixon had the right to declare “limited martial law.” When there was a later vacancy on the Supreme Court Nixon told his staff: “Get that guy Rehnchburg, you know the one of wrote that memo” and he nominated Rehnquist to be on the Supreme Court.

19:49:47 From  Bill Davis  to  Everyone : I have an old, yellowed clipping about May Day, headed: "Kleindienst: D.C. Protest Plotted By VC:. lol

19:50:27 From  Michael Goodman  to  Everyone : Do you mean it wasn't?  LOL

19:50:46 From  Larry Roberts  to  Everyone : Re: martial law. What happened: William Rehnquist (yes the same one) who then worked for Kleindienst gave a speech a few days after Mayday in which he suggested the president had the right to put in place a “qualified martial law” to combat disorder. Rehnquist was ridiculed for this, even by some in GOP, since there’s no such thing as qualified martial law. And in any case to impose martial law Nixon would have had to make a public declaration, which of course he did not.

19:52:06 From  Larry Roberts  to  Everyone : Rehnquist’s performance during Mayday definitely helped get him on the Supreme Court, as Stephen Spitz says.

19:54:50 From  Bill Davis  to  Everyone : For me, May Day per se... PCPJ etc. was followed by a gathering in Milwaukee at Fr. Groppi's Church to plan what to do next, followed by a "gathering of the tribes" in Atlanta....

19:55:20 From  Bill Davis  to  Everyone : Then the 1972 Republican National Convention to re-nominate Nixon

19:55:43 From  Larry Roberts  to  Everyone : Mayday 1971 Raw is excellent indeed.

20:03:35 From  Bill Davis  to  Everyone : honor and respect to each of you.... for your work and your energy.... It is an honor to be here.....

20:13:45 From  Bill Davis  to  Everyone : For me, one of the best things I can do with May Day is to tell young people of our slogan, "If the government won't stop the war, we'll stop the government," and of our plan (simultaneously obstruct all bridges into the district and the traffic circles) and what happened (the cutting of communications and break up of the park pre-training and the affinity groups working)…..  This is the lesson and model for future disruption to increase the domestic cost of the status quo.

20:18:18 From  Ed Meek  to  Everyone : Aftermath of May Day.

A new “cadre” of political activists emerged from this period.  Many sought to build a “new american movement”, a way to carry on with national organization, program, and strategy. Lots of young leaders with experience organizing on campuses for years.  A new energy to build a political culture and organizational force.

Personal became political.  Managed to put off family and partnering for several years.  Focused on political organizing and running organizations, both local and national.  NAM then DSA.  Pittsburgh area.Did others experience an imbalance between personal and political parts of yourself?

20:20:36 From  Michael Goodman  to  Everyone : The economy was still in its post WW2 expansion phase then!

20:25:09 From  Bill Davis  to  Everyone :

20:25:11 From  Larry Roberts  to  Everyone : I have been posting people’s Mayday stories at     More stories are welcome!

20:25:56 From  Eddie Becker  to  Everyone : the rest of the world was still in national lib struggles.  if you were outside the US, you would have been busy.

20:26:23 From  Dick Berliner  to  Everyone : One of the outcroppings of the peace movement was the People’s Bicentennial organized by Jeremy Rifkin in 1975 as an alternative to the stories told by the Bicentennial Commission.  I joined 1,000 people for an all night concert in the rain on the hill overlooking Concord, Mass.

20:27:04 From  James Stuart  to  Everyone : Here is a site on the May 1970 student strikes following the Cambodia invasion.

20:27:43 From  Dick Berliner  to  Everyone : Gene Stultzfus was a good friend of mind. His whole life was committed to the cause of peace.

20:31:54 From  Bill Davis  to  Everyone :

20:35:42 From  Martha Kirpes  to  Everyone : Thanks all!!!