In preparation. Please check back tomorrow.
15:48:46 From John McAuliff : Our next webinar on the Chicago Seven film on Netflix
15:59:56 From John McAuliff : bios and program
16:00:06 From John McAuliff :
16:00:10 From Brewster Rhoads to All panelists : I will hold up a 3 minute and a 1 minute sign as you are speaking. Thanks for being disciplined with you allotted 10 minute presentation time.
16:01:43 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : Carole Cullum is getting a message that the host is not letting her in.
16:02:08 From Kevin Nielsen to All panelists : Hey Jay, Look forward to this! Juliana Kevin
16:06:14 From Doug Hostetter to All panelists : There are no links or other information visible in Chat to regular participants in the webinar.
16:07:25 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : I send her John’s email with the correct log-in info. She’s re-signing in to her computer.
16:07:35 From James Williamson to All panelists : Don’t see anything in chat yet...
16:07:45 From Claire Gorfinkel to All panelists : there is nothing in the chat (except this)
16:08:25 From arnie alpert to All panelists : is this being recorded?
16:08:41 From Brewster Rhoads to arnie alpert and all panelists : Yes.
16:09:00 From Sara Matthiesen to All panelists : bios and program
16:09:19 From James Williamson : Don’t see anything in chat yet...
16:10:01 From Brewster Rhoads to John McAuliff(Privately) : Apparently folks cannot see anything in the CHAT box.
16:11:26 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : I had a hell of a time getting online
16:11:29 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : thanks to Judy
16:11:32 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : she helped me
16:11:54 From Geralynn Kahn to All panelists : You may need to just repost into chat, for those that joined after you originally posted.Based on my experience wit zoom meetings.
16:12:05 From Tina Gaffney to All panelists : "Brava, Dr. Simmons -A TRUE Renaissance Woman !!-Tina from MA
16:12:08 From Janet Cason : I don't see anything either.
16:12:30 From James Williamson : And some (new) media... LIFE Magazine; Television (CBS News, NBC, etc...), helped.
16:13:18 From david eberhardt to All panelists : must bow out- Dave Eberhardt Baltimore 4- wh thei person at start? I support the Kings Bay Plowsahres 7- now being sentenced, and as well the SPARK and their Workers Party candidates in Mich and Md. end to capitalism.
16:13:18 From John McAuliff : Chat messages are visible to me and panelists
16:13:18 From Bob Schwartz : Can you please repost the information referenced in your intro John?
16:13:23 From Sara Matthiesen to All panelists : bios and program
16:13:34 From Regina Edmonds : hi Janet - great to see you on this call
16:14:22 From Jarret Lovell to All panelists : Chat messages start as a blank slate when people log in, so only those who were on at the very beginning see the top of the chat.
16:14:28 From Tina Gaffney to All panelists : "Hi , Regina- Tina here! GREAT to see you on this call !"
16:15:04 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : John , can you list all the panelists
16:15:21 From James Williamson to All panelists : How about listing participants. (Then we might chat with others selected as you suggested.)
16:15:35 From John McAuliff : I just clicked the internal control again. Are people seeing the chat posts?
16:15:40 From Charles McKinney to John McAuliff(Privately) : John - you also see the list of questions, right?
16:15:45 From robin nuzum to All panelists : yes
16:15:53 From lauren geiger to All panelists : Yes, I am seeing the chat posts. This is inspirational!
16:16:02 From Tina Gaffney to All panelists : "I am seeing the chat posts!"
16:16:10 From Geralynn Kahn : No, you may need to just repost.
16:16:24 From Beth Follini : I can see all the chat posts now.....
16:16:26 From Claire Gorfinkel : we see chat messages but not the links you mentioned in the introduction
16:16:27 From Keith Forsyth to All panelists : attendees can see chat posts
16:16:28 From Esty Dinur to All panelists : yes,they're visible to all.
16:16:36 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : no
16:16:55 From david eberhardt to All panelists : Wo was person at start? I am interested in tac tix. ….of course use a tactic you are good at (I am a writer- my peace mv't memoir and poetry) but have also spent time in prison. Take risks- disrupt, infiltrate, non cooperate.
16:17:00 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : solrry, yes
16:17:06 From James Williamson to All panelists : I certainly remember the “watts line.” Interesting name!
16:17:18 From terry provance : To register for the Oct 23, 4 pm Eastern, webinar on The Trial of the Chicago 7 with defendants like Rennie Davis and others: tinyurl/Chi7trial
16:18:06 From Brewster Rhoads to John McAuliff(Privately) : She is now over by 30 sec.
16:18:12 From John McAuliff to Zoharah Simmons(Privately) : overtime
16:18:13 From Adam Corson-Finnerty to All panelists : This a terrific talk!
16:18:26 From David Finke, Oberlin OH : I'm seeing this chat but no links (Yet!). AND, I remember WATS line ("Wide Area Telephone Service") where we could call in and ask for a person which was a code, leaving a number to which we'd get a call back from a SNCC office.
I staffed a "Friends of SNCC" office in St. Louis, summer of 1965.
16:18:53 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : loved the wats line
16:18:59 From Brenda Reeber : the chat posts are visible if you click that choice in To:
16:19:18 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists : Thank-you.
16:20:01 From Kent Wong to John McAuliff(Privately) : Glad you talked about Tom Hayden during our prep meeting. I recruited Tom to teach a course at UCLA on the 50th anniversary of the Port Huron Statement, and encouraged him to travel to Vietnam where he was given a Peace Medal.
16:20:06 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : excellent book
16:20:07 From lauren geiger to All panelists : I am really thankful for that presentation from Zoharah- sorry if I spelled it wrong.
16:20:09 From Aishah Shahidah Simmons : Great her/historical presentation, Zoharah/MomππΎππΎ♀️
16:21:01 From Zoharah Simmons to Aishah Shahidah Simmons and all panelists : Thank you Aishah Shahhiidah Siimmmmoos
16:21:08 From Regina Edmonds to All panelists : thank you for the great presentation on the Civil Rights Movement
16:21:33 From Sharlene Kranz : good overview Zoharah
16:21:55 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : Great presentation Zoharah - please continue what you were about to say when you have the opportunity.
16:22:33 From Zoharah Simmons to Judy Gumbo and all panelists : willl do,,!
16:22:35 From Tina Gaffney : "Hi , Regina- Good to see you on this call!-Tina
16:22:39 From Bob Schwartz to All panelists : Hi Terry, the link you posted is not opening to a registration page for me.
16:24:32 From Sharon Tracy : Zoharah, thank you for the historical perspective! I am curious about the crucial point you were getting ready to make when your time ran out! That's because I am particularly interested in how elders and younger people are bringing the practices of the civil rights movement into to the present day.
16:25:49 From Susan Cushman to All panelists : Agreed, I would have liked to hear more on important connections we need to make between the strategizing from the 50s and 60s and strategizing today.
16:25:49 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists : Is this being recorded? I'd like to hear & review the entire session.. 1971...I had just started as a freashman@UCLA...after the 1969 killing of students
16:26:08 From Tina Gaffney : "Dr .Simmons-You Are A TRUE Renaissance Woman ! I have the honor of portraying you in a play-"We Grow Into Courage"-( all of our performances are free-) This is one of the BEST moments of LIFE hearing you speak about the ChangeWork you do !!You are a TRUE Inspiration- BRAVA!!"
16:26:26 From Brewster Rhoads to Phyllis Chestang and all panelists : Yes Phyllis... we are recording this.
16:26:32 From Howard Lisnoff to All panelists : "If the government won't stop the war, then we'll stop the government." My friend and I we're chased all over DC by the police. Howie Lisnoff author of "Against The Wall," which covers the demo in depth.
16:26:50 From Tina Gaffney : "The above post is from Tina-MA
16:26:50 From James Williamson : Worth mentioning “non-non-violent” forms of resistance and insurrection here, too. Army Math Research Center in Madison, Wisconsin,in August, 1970, for example.
16:27:15 From John McAuliff : it is being recorded and will be posted on youtube. We will let everyone know the link in a few days
16:27:18 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists : Thank-you. This helps me ..connect the my past...because..if you recall...a lot of this was not freely available...
16:27:49 From Susan Cushman to All panelists : I hope Zoharah will have the chance to speak more to that, as she was starting to. I understand the time constraints, but so important to make those connections. We have so much to learn from the organization Zoharah described. Thank you.
16:27:52 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : The immense rise of drone warfare for the past few decades is the equivalent of what was a major focus of the anti war movement after 1968, the shift from massive ground troops to the reliance of AirPower to buttress Nixon’s strategy…drone warfare allows the use of AirPower these days except without the scrutiny that the air campaigns of the Nixon administration received
16:27:56 From Regina Edmonds : I participate in “We Grow into Courage” as well and have been inspired in powerful ways by your courage, commitment, and brilliance. thank you.
16:28:10 From David Finke, Oberlin OH : So grateful, Zoharah, that you highlighted the vital role of TRAINING and tactical pledging to NONVIOLENT DISCIPLINE. I remember gratefully the preparatory work that Rev. Jim Lawson did in Nashville before the sit-ins took off on Feb. 1, 1960; he reminded us of this important part of our social-change history during his speaking at John Lewis' funeral.
16:28:43 From John McAuliff to Zoharah Simmons(Privately) : Sorry for cutting you off. I'll give you an extra minute later.
16:28:56 From John McAuliff to Brewster Rhoads(Privately) : is he over?
16:29:52 From Brewster Rhoads to John McAuliff(Privately) : TIME is up.
16:29:52 From John McAuliff to Jay Craven(Privately) : overtime
16:30:11 From Bob Schwartz to All panelists : Terry, here’s the correct page for the Chicago 7 webinar:
16:30:48 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : The implementation of Operation GARDEN PLOT to thwart the May Demos of course is similar to what we are seeing right now and will see in months to come, especially with Trump being re-elected
16:31:35 From Francis Shor : So much of the antiwar and draft resistance action in the period 1967-1970 is covered in my recently published novel. “Passages of Rebellion.” Also, there is a discussion of and character involved in the bombing of the Army Math Research Center in Madison.
16:32:11 From James Williamson : Please place links for the new book, with any additional information here. Thanks.
16:32:20 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists : Yes. Please share on YouTube. I'm finishing my PhD research … plus getting a better understanding..of my past. I met Peter Arnett... a journalist a war correspondent ..who told me he wanted to tell his version of My Lai.... I know he's on,, finally.. fight that COVID19...
16:34:04 From lawrence roberts to All panelists : For more info on new book MAYDAY 1971, or to contact the author,go to
16:34:53 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : Operation Garden Plot-1968 document
16:35:27 From Sreenath Panchagnula to All panelists : Shahidah, Thanks for pushing through COVID-19 to be here and present! It is appreciated.
16:36:26 From Ted Glick : To find out more about the Catholic Left during the Vietnam War which disrupted many dozens of draft boards, destroying perhaps a million draft files, as well as disrupting Dow Chemical, GE and other war corporations and successfully exposing Cointelpro and other FBI repression via the Media, Pa. burglary--you can check out my book, Burglar for Peace: Lessons Learned in the Catholic Left's Resistance to the Vietnam War, published this summer by PM Press. Sorry for the long run-on sentence!
16:37:27 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists : Thanks. We had censorship during those times...but I remember the Barrigan Brothers.... reports...
16:38:28 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : Great job Jay!
16:39:14 From Francis Shor :
16:41:48 From Brewster Rhoads to John McAuliff(Privately) : 15 seconds
16:42:13 From James Williamson : Attended the class of John Rawls after he had returned to teaching at Harvard. Good man.
16:42:58 From Judy Gumbo : That was awesome!!! thanks\
16:43:00 From lauren geiger to All panelists : Wow, that was amazing. I took pix so I can retain a lot of it.
16:43:18 From Francis Shor : Fantastic presentation on BLM and civil disobedience. Please say her name, again!
16:43:38 From lauren geiger to All panelists : Shahidah Jones
16:44:03 From David Hartsough : Thanks to all the presenter so far!!! Excellent!
16:44:37 From Anne Anderson : So good to see and hear all of this in concert. Did childcare for protesters during May Day 1971, and so on.
16:44:40 From Susan Cushman to All panelists : Agreed!
16:48:25 From Frank Joyce : In support of Shahidah’s excellent points, notice that across the political spectrum, in the most violent society in the history of humankind, the only kind of violence that is routinely condemned is violence that is some how associated with protest.
16:48:43 From James Williamson :
16:50:37 From Tina Gaffney : "Hi , Dr. Simmons-You Are BRILLIANT-So good to hear you AND have a castmate of mine here too- Hi , Regina !"
16:51:59 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists : Barrigan brothers...Jesuits.."the Berrigans' most significant act took place on May 27, 1968, when they and seven other Catholic activists entered a draft board office in Catonsville, Md., seized nearly 400 files of young men classified 1-A, then burned them with napalm they had made by following a recipe in the U.S. Army Special Services Handbook. It was an outrageous and electrifying moment that galvanized the anti-war movement, put the Berrigans on the front pages of newspapers and magazines and turned them into icons.:
16:52:03 From John McAuliff to Brewster Rhoads(Privately) : are you also privately messaging people?
16:52:05 From Tina Gaffney : "The above post is from Tina from MA!"
16:53:15 From James Williamson : Lawsuit post-May Day resulted in $2000 per illegal arrestee settlement for thousands. A friend jumped exit turnstile with arrest papers at RFK Stadium so missed $2000! Government will absorb costs of illegal arrests (e.g., RNC in NYC in 2004); after all, there is never “personal responsibility” for their criminal misconduct, and taxpayers pay! We might want to change that.
16:53:26 From Brewster Rhoads to John McAuliff(Privately) : Have not yet. Will try in a moment.
16:53:37 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists : Excerpt from article titled, "What Shaped the Berrigan Brothers / Biography reveals the forces that led the priests to defy church and country
Feb. 16, 1997
Updated: Jan. 30, 2012 7:02 p.m."
16:55:13 From Brewster Rhoads to John McAuliff(Privately) : She is now over.
16:55:54 From James Williamson :
16:56:40 From Sharon Tracy : Shaida Jones, many thanks for your brilliant presentation! Insightful, educational, and energizing!
16:57:30 From Howard Lisnoff to All panelists : A group protested the visit of George H. W. Bush to RI in late 80s. Act Up members sat in and turned the day into a memorable and successful demo!
16:57:51 From James Williamson : Thanks, Shaida, take care of yourself and recover well and soon.
16:58:02 From Regina Edmonds to All panelists : great presentation!!! thank you for highlighting the work of women fighting for resources for families living in poverty.
17:00:42 From Luci Murphy to All panelists : Thankyou Sara. I worked in the national office of NWRO here in D.C. Please contact me Luci Murphy
17:01:22 From Tina Gaffney to All panelists : "Have you panelists ever considered collaborating on a project together ?"
17:01:57 From Tina Gaffney to All panelists : "This post is from Tina- MA!"
17:01:59 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists : Great to hear about the labor movement. I was a member of SEiU. They tried to organize & unionize university professors on campus... but 'were not successful'... My father was a labor oranizar at the Post Office and also a longshoreman... very active...after serving in World War II- segregated US Army engineers... then, worked as a janitor in Los Angeles...after the War... then, the Post Office...
17:02:06 From James Williamson :
17:03:14 From John McAuliff to Brewster Rhoads(Privately) : how much time does Kent have?
17:03:36 From Brewster Rhoads to John McAuliff(Privately) : 3min
17:03:41 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists : My 80+ ebooks from PhD research & lived experiences are on and the airline strikes... were shut downs.... forcing changes....
17:03:54 From Matt Meyer to All panelists : Greetings to all from the International Peace Research Association (IPRA), and my NYC office as IPA's Secretary-General. Wonderful presentations...amazing to hear the piece on Beulah Sanders, who grand-daughter was a student of mine years ago!!
17:04:04 From Howard Lisnoff to All panelists : We might want to consider the role of protest in a potential Biden administration.
17:04:54 From Brewster Rhoads to Howard Lisnoff and all panelists : Can you put that question in the Q&A box?
17:06:13 From Lola Cohen to All panelists : Feeling hopeful. Thank-you wonderful speakers.
17:06:20 From James Williamson : Not at top of chat, so need to have it posted again. Thanks.
17:06:22 From Adam Corson-Finnerty : I hope people are aware of Protect the Vote, which is planning nationwide demonstrations on November 4—if Trump makes a bad move.
17:07:08 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists : Here is the link to one titled, Homeless at the Podium- University Adjunct story....based on a true story...on Two tiered system between Tenured & Adjunct faculty---- creates a welfare faculty system... and working at 3-4 different universities--- pre-COVID19.
17:07:17 From Brewster Rhoads to John McAuliff(Privately) : Is that noise from your household?
17:07:41 From James Williamson : Background noise with this speaker? Can that be managed better?
17:07:42 From John McAuliff : List of speakers, their bios and resources are here
17:07:44 From David Finke, Oberlin OH to All panelists : Is there some way to suppress the background chatter?
17:08:02 From Dean Tuckerman : thank you
17:08:04 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists :
17:08:11 From Sharlene Kranz : background noise , sounds like a tv is on
17:08:12 From malfrazer to All panelists : Next speaker is on Protect the Vote
17:08:14 From John McAuliff : Georgia is at the airport
17:08:45 From Zoharah Simmons to Dean Tuckerman and all panelists : where is the background noise coming. from?
17:09:37 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : Great job Sara Matthiesen! Thank you for speaking up for women and LGBTQ folks.
17:09:50 From Laurie Sandow to All panelists : John: If people join a zoom late, or open a chat late, sometimes they cannot see the chat comments that appeared before they opened the chat. I cannot see the links, and I think that’s what’s happening with others, too. Now seeing the link you just posted.
17:09:58 From John McAuliff to All panelists : I am assuming noise is from the airport where Georgia is. Is it coming from anyone else?
17:10:17 From David Finke, Oberlin OH : Thanks for explaining this, John.
17:10:23 From Tina Gaffney : "How do you get your name to show up when you post ? Excellent speakers all!
17:10:39 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists : Link to one of my 80+ ebooks written and published for my PhD program...including real experiences. It appears that..COVID19 has affected this aspect of university Labor activism??.
17:10:51 From Tina Gaffney : "Tina from MA!"
17:11:17 From James Williamson : Let’s not fetishize the “tactics” in this discussion. What are the demands and goals of various struggles?
17:12:52 From Maria Castaneda to All panelists : Thank you from California!!! Very interesting movement!!
17:16:45 From Adam Corson-Finnerty : this is the best set of speaker presentations I have ever witnessed!
17:16:55 From Akua Harris : Thank you Georgia!
17:17:03 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists : Here are episodes #1 & #2 of my podcast Second Wind...
17:17:09 From Jerome Carter to All panelists : Well done Georgia!
17:18:55 From James Williamson : Dems and Goldman have put forward pathetic candidates, who do NOT represent us! Dreadful!
17:19:24 From Matt Meyer : Please be aware that the new, Black-led, NV direct action coalition People’s Strike has issued a Pledge of Resistance re the upcoming elections. Tomorrow (Monday) we will be holding a virtual Town Hall (12 pm EST), which will have inter-active conversations on local work as well as national/international perspectives from United Teachers of LA union President Cecily Myart-Cruz, Black Alliance for Peace founder Ajamua Baraka, Standing Rock leader Chase Iron Eyes, NYC organizer Tanesha Grant of Moms United for Black Lives, and PS coordinator Rose Brewer of Minneapolis. Contact me for more information, and join us:[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22search_results%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22search%22%7D]%7D
17:19:32 From John McAuliff : Usually you can scroll up the chat list. In any case I will copy it and post it on the blog info page.
17:20:10 From James Williamson : I will NOT take to the streets for Biden-Harris... ARe you kidding? This is a serious problem. Biden is no Aquino!
17:21:08 From Jarret Lovell : You wouldn't be taking to the streets for Biden-Harris. You'd be taking to the streets for democracy, however flawed it may be.
17:21:15 From Georgia Hirsty to Jerome Carter and all panelists : Thanks!
17:21:44 From Esty Dinur to All panelists : And against dictatorship.
17:22:25 From Howard Lisnoff to All panelists : The potential for violence at the polls in November on the part of the far right is high.
17:22:43 From James Williamson : Hardly. Sorry, that’s precisely the problem, dilemma, contradiction with the current undemocratic system.
17:23:20 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists : I worked for $3.00 per hour from 1971 to 1975, part time while a student at UCLA...
17:23:31 From Esty Dinur to All panelists : We'll just do it for you, James. Enjoy your peace at home.
17:24:39 From James Williamson : There is huge hatred of Trump, but no mass support or enthusiasm for Biden-Harris. People cannot be expected to fight for something they don’t want.
17:25:06 From Julie Carran : Yes, but we don’t have the luxury of changing the system now - too many more than usual have suffered, died, under Trump, and more would follow if he won.
17:25:33 From James Williamson : Key word in Steve’s list... “Opposition...”
17:25:56 From Julie Carran : If Biden wins, we can work on the system, on many levels.
17:26:29 From Martin Zehr to All panelists : L'audace, toujours l'audace.
17:26:35 From arnie alpert : Hold the Line manual is perhaps reminiscent of the May Day manual Jay referred to, with excellent ideas for how small action groups can organize to develop effective, nonviolent actions.
17:26:54 From Esty Dinur to All panelists : ...but you're not going to oppose. Hmmm.
17:26:55 From Jeffrey Sokolow to All panelists : Trump is a fascist. Biden isn't. Dayenu!
17:27:04 From Ted Glick : Protecting democracy and getting Trump out of office is strongly felt by about half of the population; that's the potential base for mass action after the election if necessary. Getting caught up in debate about Biden is almost irrelevant when it comes to those two issues.
17:27:10 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : How do we deal with the open call by Trump to mobilize armed far right militia movements? Just look at what happened in Michigan.
17:27:22 From Brewster Rhoads to John McAuliff(Privately) : 45 sec.
17:27:23 From Barbara Robinson to All panelists : what wa the third web site?
17:27:32 From Jarret Lovell : I'm a white, heterosexual, middle class, able-bodied male with job security. If my gay/black/chicanx/dreamer students ask me to take to the streets, I'll do so. I'm not going to tell them that Biden isn't ideal, so therefore I won't march. Sorry.
17:28:00 From Regina Edmonds to All panelists : the impact of the virus is also something of concern in mass action
17:28:23 From Esty Dinur to All panelists : Thank you, Jarret.
17:28:31 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : A factor to be considered…the right wing militia? It gets into deeper issues of the shift to the right for decades
17:28:45 From Matt Meyer : When exactly did CREATIVE nonviolence get shifted to STRICT nonviolence....not based on historic or academic references, but on a dogmatic ideological obsession!?
17:29:05 From Brewster Rhoads :
17:29:34 From Julie Carran : Thank you, Matt Meyer.
17:29:37 From Robert Levering : Terrific presentations. Thanks for all the presenters and VPCC for organizing this.
17:29:58 From James Williamson : There is currently no genuine democracy in this country, and especially in our rigged elections, with two corrupt parties. This is a bleak state of affairs, but must be a starting point for effective political action to go forward, imo.
17:30:14 From Martin Zehr to All panelists : If you don't want to win, then end the charade
17:30:29 From John McAuliff to Georgia Hirsty(Privately) : You have a lot of background noise. Can you go to a quieter place for your next presentation?
17:31:09 From Brewster Rhoads to John McAuliff(Privately) : This guy James Williamson is really dominating the Chat discussion. What do you want to do with him?
17:31:21 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : Great point Zoharah …the common sense and good will of everyday folks…
17:32:05 From Claire Gorfinkel to All panelists : thank you, Zohara!
17:32:42 From Martin Zehr to All panelists : As it stands there is no victory in either The only electoral campaign that hold a new future is a referendum to dismantle the Empire.
17:32:48 From Esty Dinur to All panelists : keep going James! Maybe you'll succeed in convincing others not to go to the streets. That'll teach drumpf and the rest of the fascists!
17:33:17 From Tina Gaffney : "EXCELLENT and Inspiring To Me-And To Us ALL !!"-Tina , MA
17:34:29 From Howard Lisnoff to All panelists : Disagree... It was people making the draft and the military take notice.
17:34:40 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists : Thank-you. We have the resources to achieve better outcomes....
17:35:31 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : 2000+ women demonstrated this past weekend in DC to oppose the confirmation of Amy Coey Barrett
17:35:33 From Adam Corson-Finnerty : I am part of the growing movement to rise up if Trump tries to steal the election, or stage a coup. I have been arguing for a strict non-violent discipline and I have been surprised to hear from some people who are arguing that violent activists are "with us." NO.
17:36:06 From Phyllis Chestang to All panelists : 49 years and we're back the same point... it appears..
17:37:48 From Dean Tuckerman : What do you mean by "violent activists"?
17:38:17 From Brenda Reeber : To Jay -from Brenda Reeber I'm surprised that the Women's March im January 2017 that became worldwide is not being lauded. Why? a
17:38:25 From John McAuliff to Brewster Rhoads(Privately) : I took off him and Zehr. If they try to come back in from another computer or browser, let me know
17:38:31 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : Trump screwing the election up openly will require a mass across the board response
17:38:34 From Robert Levering : It appears that all the panelists read from excellent written presentations. Will these be made available?
17:38:41 From David Finke, Oberlin OH : I am convinced that violence by activists is counterproductive, and conceivably is instigated by Establishment-sponsored provocateurs. A persuadable middle retreats to concerns about their own safety, distracted from the demands for justice.
I use the slogan, "Violence Helps Trump." A clear justification (not morally, but emotonally) for State suppression.
17:39:05 From Adam Corson-Finnerty : people who throw Molotov cocktails, throw bricks at police, set fire to buildings, use eye-harming firecrackers. VIOLENT
17:41:52 From Fred Cook to All panelists : Shadiah is so right about the need to keep pushing on the issues of poor and people of color that neithr imperial party is going to address.
17:42:10 From David Lumian :
17:42:12 From Matt Meyer to All panelists : I appreciate this fine-tuning about what we mean by violence. For some, "strict" NV appears to go well beyond what Gandhi or MLK would have agreed to, where the discipline of a NV core very much did not preclude working with those who would not fully agree with the strictness.
17:42:28 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : Also agree on the issue of violence but there are plenty of people involved in the demos of past months who openly embrace the use of violence…to simply reduce them to being police agents is not a reflection of what is happening among some…thanks god they are a small amount of people but the reality of struggle is what produced responses like the Weatherman decades ago.
17:42:48 From Dean Tuckerman : How do we fight right wing violence, and still remain non-violent?
17:42:54 From David Hartsough : Will this very fine webinar be available and be shared widely in the days to come? How do we keep the Actions nonviolent in Spirit and action when we take to the Streets to protest an attempted coup?
17:43:48 From Jay Craven to Brenda Reeber and all panelists : Good point, Brenda. Though it wasn’t act of civil disobedience, the women’s march had huge impact, set a tone of resistance and set the stage for huge victories by women who ran for 2018 elections. And, hopefully, to turn the tide on Trump. Time is tight up here - but I’ll try to make that point.
17:43:48 From arnie alpert : how do we fight (and expose) right wing violence other than remaining nonviolent?
17:43:51 From Brewster Rhoads : Yes... we are recording this webinar and the link will be shared with all who registered. It will also be on our website.
17:43:55 From Shahidah Jones to jim Dingeman and all panelists : at some point can we discuss the conversation about violence and how “violent protest” help trump?
17:44:06 From Judy Gumbo : I just came from a mrmorial/demo aginst domestic violence and men who are causing domest ic violence to run for or be appointed to office.l.I see us doing this more and more here in my town
17:44:08 From Claire Gorfinkel to All panelists : fight right-wing violence by moving away from it, denying them a target
17:44:25 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : The militia movement we are seeing now has a direct lineage to the aftermath of the Vietnam War domestically and the varied responses to it…look at the SOLDIER OF FORTUNE magazine phenomena that was a clear reaction by some Vietnam veterans to their take on the war
17:44:34 From Brewster Rhoads to John McAuliff(Privately) : Time up
17:45:20 From Ted Glick : I support the preparations for street action after the election if necessary, but I also think the most important thing to be done right now is for all of us on the left to do all we can to mobilize a massive vote, especially in the battleground states. I'm on a month-long, water only Fast to Defeat Trump to help motivate more people to do that, am halfway through it. I hope people on this call are involved or will get involved in these last two weeks in that critical voter turnout work.
17:45:56 From Aishah Shahidah Simmons : Will panelists have an opportunity to answer some of the questions in the Q&A?
17:46:01 From Zoharah Simmons to John McAuliff(Privately) : please save the Chat and the Q&A to share with all of us, please.
17:46:16 From Matt Meyer to All panelists : In the War Resisters League throughout the 1960's, for example, the creative NV basis of direct action was coupled with defense of non-pacifists to be part of the anti-war coalitions. We cannot let Trump OR Biden define "violent" or NV protest for us!! If we did back then, I dare say, Zoharrah Simmons wouldn't be "allowed" to be with us today!!
17:46:34 From Tina Gaffney : "That would be good!"-Tina , MA
17:46:38 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : The key issue right now is to work on GOTV work , especially in the battleground states
17:46:47 From Brewster Rhoads to Ted Glick and all panelists : Thanks Ted. We are cheering you on and wish you strength as you continue your fast!
17:48:12 From Brewster Rhoads to jim Dingeman and all panelists : So true Jim. You are welcome to come to Cincinnati for the final phase of the campaign. We have 3.5 times the number of people voting by mail and in person early than we had this number of days out compared to 2016!
17:48:24 From Sara Matthiesen : My apologies, I have to hop off for another event. Thank you so much to the organizers, panelists, and attendees for this incredible event!
17:48:32 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : The problem of the white working class has frankly been not dealt adequately by the left ever since the the “white backlash” and the growth of the Wallace movement…but right on with Ken’s comments …
17:48:48 From Matt Meyer : In the War Resisters League throughout the 1960's, for example, the creative NV basis of direct action was coupled with defense of non-pacifists to be part of the anti-war coalitions. We cannot let Trump OR Biden define "violent" or NV protest for us!! If we did back then, I dare say, Zoharrah Simmons wouldn't be "allowed" to be with us today!!
17:49:01 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : Sara, I am busy with Pennsylvania
17:49:30 From Brewster Rhoads to jim Dingeman and all panelists : Thanks for all your hard work there. Such a critical state!
17:49:40 From Dean Tuckerman : yes
17:50:29 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : I personally prefer to work in the purple states and really love going into Trump red districts…that is where I have the most fun to try to change their minds
17:51:17 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : We are stuck with Biden.
17:53:02 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : Trump has pissed off all my moderate Republican friends…most of who are or have been active duty military…
17:53:53 From Ted Glick : Matt, yes we shouldn't let Trump or Biden define "violence," but adventuristic fight-the-police actions at mass demostrations that are organized as nonviolent actions should be opposed openly. You can be sure that, if there aren't government provocateurs in their midst, you can expect them to get involved in future demonstrations to keep that adventuristic pot boiling.
17:54:31 From Kent Wong to All panelists : Thank you to the panelists and participants. I have to join another call.
17:54:54 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : Give me a break John..15 minutes?
17:55:31 From Laurie Sandow : Two current, important labor-related articles, awarded the Bernhardt Labor Journalism Prize this past Tuesday: Josh Eidelson, "How the American Worker Got Fleeced," with data analysis and graphics by Christopher Cannon, Bloomberg Businessweek July 2, 2020 —and— David Unger, “Which Side Are We On: Can Labor Support #BlackLivesMatter and Police Unions?” New Labor Forum, July 6, 2020. They are linked here:
17:55:42 From Adam Corson-Finnerty : Steve Zunes: I disagree. People who are supposedly "with us" and who try to harm others are not moral. They may feel self-righteously moral, but so did the Inquisitors during the Inquisition.
17:55:45 From David Hartsough : Will this whole webinar be available for others who could not be here today?
17:55:59 From Jerome Carter to All panelists : Charles Cobb Jr.’s 2014 book entitled, This Nonviolent Stuff’ll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible, outlines the importance of firearms in the Civil Right Movement. Bro. Dr. King embraced his 2nd amendment right too. Can you speak to the synergy between nonviolent and militant approaches that advance social justice efforts?
17:56:14 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : Good question and very very difficult to avoid
17:56:39 From John McAuliff to jim Dingeman and all panelists : If take a break, we will lose too many people.
17:57:27 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : Keep in mind the GDP in the sixties was much larger annually than it is now…there is less “fiscal resilience” for coopting these days
17:57:28 From Eva Davidova to All panelists : Would be wonderful to have the link to the recording, thank you!
17:58:03 From Dean Tuckerman : you can't be sure there are not government provocateurs or government pacifieurs anywhere. the government likes to divide people up.
17:58:05 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : Also, there are also leaders who are willing to sell out.. I can think of many in the sixties who chose that route
17:59:07 From lauren geiger to All panelists : I want to know, do we protest locally or head to DC?
17:59:36 From Frank Joyce : For those working on the election itself between now and Nov 3, I think the bigger the margin of a victory for Biden and down ballot candidates matters a lot. In every state, not just swing states.
17:59:36 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : Can you guys repeat those links
18:00:03 From James Quay to All panelists : Thanks to all panelists for your presentations and for your past and present contributions. You were and are inspiring….
18:01:05 From Judy Gumbo : kamala might
18:02:03 From Brewster Rhoads : In Ohio there are discussions about organizing disciplined 24 hour vigils outside every major Board of Elections demanding to "Count All the Votes". Trump will do all he can to NOT do so.
18:03:32 From arnie alpert : The Choose Democracy training I attended had more than 1200 people on Zoom, and it was just one of several sessions. So, there are people all over getting prepared.
18:03:54 From Eva Davidova to All panelists : Yes!
18:04:21 From Fred Cook to All panelists : There are discussions already underway to define the conditions we regard as the “bright lines” which if crossed require massive action. I wouldn’t be surprised if the internet gets shut down/throttled/ seriously filtered to impede mass communication. So we need to develop multiple channels for communicating that it is time to go into the streets.
18:04:57 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : They have openly called for a civil war, using armed force….the alt right is sitting their ready to do this and Trump always speaks to them as a force in readiness…they have openly called for 50,000 “monitors”to go to election sites…a unprecedented situation akin to what we know what happened in recosntruction
18:05:08 From Judy Gumbo : YES
18:05:10 From Stephen Zunes :
18:05:17 From Judy Gumbo : in our streets in the state capitols, etc
18:05:18 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : Yes, the whole country in the streets
18:05:25 From Fred Cook to All panelists : Teach Zoharah! Mobilize in all the cities
18:05:36 From Ted Glick : The Rochester NY Central Labor Council came out in support of a general strike if necessary and has sent it to the national AFL CIO.
18:06:15 From Anne Anderson : Every Board of Elections should have vigils to make sure all votes are counted
18:06:25 From David Hartsough : We will also need people in the streets and stopping business as usual on a sustained basis. One or two days will not be enough to save Democracy in this country.
18:07:13 From Ted Glick : Yes, white anti-racists need to look for ways to bring up the issue of white supremacy among white people, especially working-class and low-income people, not just leftists.
18:07:14 From lauren geiger to All panelists : A big thank you to all the panelists and the mcs. Very enlightening. I have been posting the 3 websites on Insta and Twitter and encourage others to do so and start talking to fam and friends about protesting and being ready to move on Nov 4th.
18:09:10 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : I have been saying for decades that protest in the streets is the best way to oppose. As a Yippie I know that theatrical protest is effective; but how to defend ourselves against state and far right violence???
18:10:13 From Aishah Shahidah Simmons : This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible
By Charles Cobb, Jr (former SNCC Veteran)
18:10:31 From Jerome Carter to All panelists : Thank you for highlighting this point!
18:10:43 From Keith Forsyth to All panelists : Dr Simmons’ distinction is critical.
18:11:19 From Dean Tuckerman : THANK YOU!
18:11:20 From Aishah Shahidah Simmons : Thank you, Zoharah (Mom), and Shahidah…
18:12:48 From Crystal Zevon to All panelists : THANK YOU! Exactly. Think of Palestinians.
18:13:51 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : I agree! Thank you.
18:13:59 From Frank Joyce : Amen
18:14:02 From Aishah Shahidah Simmons : Negroes with Guns by Robert F. Williams, Martin Luther King, Jr, and Truman Nelson
18:14:06 From lauren geiger to All panelists : Shahidah, you are inspiring me and I really hope you get better soon! Take care of yourself'
18:14:14 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : Yeah, Shahidah…that is what has always happens and we need to turn the narrative on top of them always…They did the same thing in the sixties with portraying everybody as “violent” and that is what is happening now..always demonizing those acting against injustice
18:14:19 From Crystal Zevon to All panelists : Thank you all. Excellent.
18:14:26 From Esty Dinur to All panelists : Thanks! Very good discussion!
18:14:31 From Jarret Lovell : Also: Deacons for Defense; We Will Shoot Back
18:14:47 From Ted Glick : Thanks to the organizers for an important forum!
18:14:53 From Judy Gumbo to All panelists : - Black Panther Party info and website.
18:15:15 From Sherri Croyle to All panelists : Thank you to the panelists and the committee.
18:15:29 From Edwina Vogan to All panelists : Good open discussion.
18:15:32 From Anne Anderson : Thank you so much for this. Will be out there if need be.
18:15:40 From Michael Knepler to All panelists : Thank you to all the panelists, moderator and organizers!
18:15:44 From Mark Looney : Good website for Nonviolent Resources: Peace Grows:
18:15:47 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : Yea, thanks I would have liked to have one on ones with different folks
18:15:50 From Susanne Jackson to All panelists : Thanks so much to all!!!
18:16:17 From Valerie Brannas : Thank you for doing this.
18:17:05 From Mark Looney :
18:17:20 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : Yeah, that is true John but there are ill-disciplined folks among the movement
18:17:23 From Lola Cohen : power to the people
18:18:07 From Matt Meyer : Good + important summary, John! Excellent session!!
18:18:09 From lauren geiger to All panelists : God Bless everyone! I wish you all health and brighter days ahead! Thank you!
18:18:33 From jim Dingeman to All panelists : These guys are great on Q
18:18:35 From Geralynn Kahn : Thank kyou all, I agree how we continue is always important.
18:18:39 From Keith Forsyth to All panelists : Thanks much!
18:18:58 From Jarret Lovell : Thank you!
18:19:05 From Fred Cook to All panelists : After the inauguration we need to reconvene and build in the M4BL and Poor peoples campaign demands
18:19:14 From Mark Looney : Burglar for Peace by Ted Glick- great book on nonviolence !!!
18:19:15 From Esty Dinur to All panelists : Right. If Biden wins, we make demands of him and mobilize our numbers to start changing the system as is.
18:19:51 From Susan Cushman to All panelists : Thanks, John, et al. Great panel. Helpful during such an uncertain time!
18:20:17 From Georgia Hirsty to All panelists : check out
18:20:59 From Judy Gumbo : Shay, it 's Carole here, my best to you
# |
Question |
Asker Name |
Answer(s) |
1 |
Please keep
us posted from time to time on how many participants there are this
afternoon? |
2 |
Have you said
where you’re located? |
3 |
"Hi .
Dr. Simmons- Tina here ! I have had the honor to portray you in a
presentstion- " We Grow Into Courage "- Did you know of this
?" |
Tina Gaffney |
4 |
John, FYI
there are no links or other information in the Chat visible to regular
participants. |
Hostetter |
5 |
Zoharah, do
you feel the NAACP has been resurrected and is relevant to today? |
Corson-Finnerty |
6 |
How can
current direct action movements for fundamental change avoid the pitfall of
being coopted by “established” orgs/“nonprofit industrial complex” connected
to big foundations, the Democratic Party
and/or “socially responsible” corporations with the goal to temper
demands and strategies? |
Coleridge |
7 |
When the
government is engaged in persistent illegal and corrupt actions, should we
try to flip the notion of "disobedience' upside down and recast our
protests as defense of "law and order?" |
arnie alpert |
8 |
any of the panelists ever thought of collaborating together?" |
Tina Gaffney |
9 |
I would like
the panelists to propose potential actions in response to a contested election
in November. |
Gorfinkel |
10 |
What happens
if Joe Biden is more aggressive militarily than Trump? The peace movement has
been pretty much silent since Barack Obama's administration. |
Lisnoff |
11 |
What do
people think about the actions planned for November 4 that are being
organized? |
Ted Glick |
12 |
How does the
panel feel that we need to react to the following scenarios? |
jim Dingeman |
13 |
wholeheartedly believe in non-violence. I would greatly appreciate it if Dr.
Zoharah Simmons will also speak on the award-winning book by SNCC Veteran
Charlie Cobb, This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the
Civil Rights Movement Possible,” and also on
Robert Williams’ “Negros with Guns” (Deacons for Defense)… This is not
to promote violence by any stretch of the imagination. It’s to complicate the
history and think about ramification for right now |
Shahidah Simmons |
14 |
What choice
does Trump have but to screw up the election? He has been stating that for
months so lets cut to the chase |
jim Dingeman |
15 |
What was the first thing that drew you to the ChangeWork you do ?"-Tina
, MA |
Tina Gaffney |
16 |
Trump has
openly embraced the al right armed militia movements…How does that factor
into thinking about this situation we are in? |
jim Dingeman |
17 |
speakers please address the perils of the seemingly innocuous slogam
"Variety of Tactics," which opens the way for legitimizing armed
violence? |
David "Finke | |
18 |
When exactly
did CREATIVE nonviolence get shifted to STRICT nonviolence....not based on
historic or academic references, but on a dogmatic ideological obsession!? |
Matt Meyer |
19 |
For Kent
Wong: The Syracuse NY Central Labor Council has voted to support a general
strike if Trump refuses to leave office. Have you heard of other labor groups
supporting/encouraging this? What is the potential for this in the US if
Trump loses and illegally takes control? |
Mark Looney |
20 |
Simmons- What do you feel is the BEST kind of " Good Trouble"
people can participate in to affect positive change ?"-Tina , MA |
Tina Gaffney |
21 |
For Zoharah,
what about the Deacons for Defense and maybe others who were an armed
presence at some of the major actions during the civil rights movement, with
the quiet OK from SCLC and other groups? Do you see that as OK when it comes
to nonviolent direct action if you're operating in a police state with KKK
terrorists supported by the police and the power structure? |
Ted Glick |
22 |
Will local,
small protests be of any use regarding the election question or will just the
large, D.C. based protests be what makes the difference? |
Lynn Wurzburg |
23 |
im concerned
about the pandemic and going to washington |
Judy Gumbo |
24 |
some of us
older types may need to look at alternative scenarios |
Judy Gumbo |